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dnGuestbook <= 2.0 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

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dnGuestbook <= 2.0 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

# \_______________________________________________/ #
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# |              SECURITY ADVISORY                | #
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     advisory: dnGuestbook <= v2.0 remote sql injection vulnerability
      release: 2006-04-08
       author: snatcher [snatcher at gmx.ch]
      country: switzerland  |+| 
  application: dnGuestbook <= v2.0
     download: http://www.designnation.de/
 app.descript: a php / mysql based guestbook script with an admin panel

  description: because of the false implemented userinputs you can login as admin with a simpel sql injection.
               afterward you can exploit a not validated GET variable to get admin's email and password.
  fingerprint: google -> "dnGuestbook by design-nation.de Version" -> 331
               msn -> "dnGuestbook by design-nation.de Version" -> 249
   conditions: php.ini -> magic_quotes_gpc = Off
       greets: all security guys and coders over the world, honkey :>, ..

---------- LOGIN AS ADMIN ----------

admin.php - line 771, 772
  $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM dnguestbook_user WHERE mail='$mail' AND passwort='$passwort';");
  $eingeloggt = mysql_num_rows($result);

if magic_quotes_gpc is off, the ' won't be escaped and you can inject malicious sql code here.
the script only verifies if a result is given back, and doesn't check, if the entered email and 
password are the same like the email and password in the database.

you gonna log in with following username (the password isn't necessary):

E-Mail: ' OR 1 = 1 /*
Passwort: b0000m

the query would look like this:

  SELECT * FROM dnguestbook_user WHERE mail='' OR 1 = 1 /* AND passwort='b0000m'

the expression "/*" comments out the following part of the query.
the query will match always, because the WHERE - clause with "OR 1 = 1" is always true.

now you are logged in as admin. how will you get the admin password?

---------- GET ADMIN PASSWORD ----------

in the adminpanel, you click the link "Beitr?ge". after that, you click the [e] right of a guestbook
entry. it doesn't matter which entry you choose. normally, you can edit here some guestbok entries.
the uri will look like this:

two variables are transmitted over GET but only "id=8" is relevant for us.

admin.php - line 678
  $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM dnguestbook_eintrag WHERE id=$id;");

you see, that the variable "id" isn't validated. you can inject malicious sql code again.
we make use of the UNION operator.


the admin's email is shown in the field "*Ihre E-Mail:" and the admin's password in the field "*Ihr Text:" (plaintext !!)

description of the UNION operator:

#  0day.today [2024-07-07]  #