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TAO Open Source Assessment Platform 3.3.0 RC2 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability

David Haintz
Security Risk Medium
web applications
Date add
              title: Multiple XSS vulnerabilities
            product: TAO Open Source Assessment Platform
 vulnerable version: 3.3.0 RC2
      fixed version: -
         CVE number: -
             impact: medium
           homepage: https://www.taotesting.com/product/community/
                 by: David Haintz
                     SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab

                     An integrated part of SEC Consult
                     Europe | Asia | North America



Vendor description:
"The Next Generation Open Source Assessment Solution -
Say goodbye to technical complexity and yet another IT project. Say hello to an
all-in-one assessment solution. Easily tap into the power of open source, single
sign-on and LTI. Open source means open possibilities so you can benefit from
the ideas of the expert assessment community."

Source: https://www.taotesting.com/product/

Business recommendation:
The vendor did not respond to our communication attempts, hence no patch is

An in-depth security analysis performed by security professionals is
highly advised, as the software may be affected from further security

Vulnerability overview/description:
1) Multiple XSS vulnerabilities
Several pages lack input validation within the URL that is output into the
action attribute of a form. An attacker can break out of the string
and add custom JavaScript events to several forms. Additionally, the error
page also lacks filtering user input / output.

Proof of concept:
1) Multiple XSS vulnerabilities
a) XSS in URL for form action attributes

If a victim accesses the following link and enters their credentials, an alert
shows the entered password:

[ removed PoC from advisory ]

Since chars like " or < and > are filtered in this case, a string had to be built
by using char codes and JavaScript's String.fromCharCode(). The same pattern
works for many other paths too. Following additional paths were also found to be

[ removed PoC from advisory ]

b) XSS in error page
The internal error page also lacks input/output validation. The following URL
generates a website opening a message box showing the current location without
any filtering:

[ removed PoC from advisory ]

Vulnerable / tested versions:
The following version has been tested, which was the most recent one at the time
of the test:

* 3.3.0 RC2

#  0day.today [2024-07-05]  #