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PHP infoBoard v.7 Plus Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

CWH Underground
Security Risk Unsored
web applications
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PHP infoBoard v.7 Plus Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

  | |||||||||   `--------'     |          O	.. CWH Underground Hacking Team ..
    `\_,-------, _________________________|
      / XXXXXX /`|     /
     / XXXXXX /  `\   /
    / XXXXXX /\______(
   / XXXXXX /           
  / XXXXXX /

AUTHOR : CWH Underground
DATE   : 25 September 2008

APPLICATION : PHP infoBoard V.7 Plus
VERSION     : v.7
VENDOR      : http://cannot.info/phpinfoboard
DOWNLOAD    : http://cannot.info/lib/dw/plus7.zip

-- Remote SQL Injection ---


Note: [prefix] is a prefix of table names that an administrator assigns it when he sets up PHP infoBoard.

-- Strore XSS --

At page http://[Target]/[path]/?action=newtopic&idcat=[number]

This page is used to add new topics and there is a feild "??eI" which is prepared for inserting poster's name.
We can inject javascript into this feild as result in "Stored XSS". 

Example code of vulnerable input feild:
??eI</td><td width='125' height='25' align='left'><input  name='isname' type='text'  size='25' value='' />

- [number] is a idcat  that an administrator assigns it (default is 1).
- We can inject javascript into the feild when we do not log in to be a user of a PHP infoBoard.


#  0day.today [2024-10-06]  #