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OCS Inventory NG 1.02 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

Nico Leidecker
Security Risk Unsored
web applications
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OCS Inventory NG 1.02 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

OCS Inventory NG - Multiple SQL Injections (May 30 2009)

* Product

  Open Computer and Software (OCS) Inventory NG

* Vulnerable Versions

  OCS Inventory NG 1.02 (Unix)

* Vendor Status

  Vendor has been notified and the vulnerability has been fixed.

* Details

  The Open Computer and Software (OCS) Inventory Next Generation (NG)
provides relevant inventory information about system configurations and
software on the network. The server can be managed using a web
interface. It was found that the application does not properly sanitize
user input which results into multiple SQL injections.

  Affected are the following scripts:

  - download.php (parameters `N', `DL', `O' and `V')
  - group_show.php (parameter `SYSTEMID');

* Impact

  Attackers may be able to manipulate SQL statements in such a way that
they can retrieve, create or modify information stored in the database.
Furthermore, the SQL injection might allow attackers to get a foothold
on the underlying system.

* Exploit

  The vulnerability can be exploited by just using a web browser:


#  0day.today [2024-07-07]  #