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Battle Blog 1.25 Auth Bypass SQL Injection / HTML Injection Vulns

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Battle Blog 1.25 Auth Bypass SQL Injection / HTML Injection Vulns

#        battle blog sql/html injection vulnerability             #

author: $qL_DoCt0r
blog: http://full-discl0sure.blogspot.com

html injection vulnerability

dork:inurl:comment.asp intext:Your e-mail address will be used to send you voting and comment activity. Inclusion of your address is optional but Battle Blog cannot notify you of these activities unless you supply an accurate e-mail.

once on blog...
scroll down to: make new comment

fill in the name: website: e-mail: forms
then type your html/xss as the comment, eg:<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://yoursite.com/deface.htm">
click preview
then submit
if your doing a redirect you need to click submit fast
NOTE: iframes do not work because the submit button doesn't appear
on some blogs you can use fire bug to make a submit button!

sql injection vulnerability

dork: same as before

just look on the navigation bar to the side and click admin

type your sql as the username
and leave the password field blank.

#  0day.today [2024-07-07]  #