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Apple Quicktime /w IE .qtl Version XAS Remote Exploit PoC

Aviv Raff
Security Risk Unsored
remote exploits
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Apple Quicktime /w IE .qtl Version XAS Remote Exploit PoC

Performing XAS (Cross Application Scripting) attacks automatically (read "no user interaction") 
is very easy, as I showed before in my "shutting down skype" proof-of-concept.

But, what if you are using a limited web environment, where you can't use iframes or scripts to 
automate your pwning? Several limited web environments (e.g. blogger.com blog system) does not 
allow using iframes or script, but they do allow embedding QuickTime movies.

Few days ago, pdp found that it is possible to use QuickTime .qtl files to execute code from 
remote, when the default browser is Firefox. This is a variant of the good old MOAB #3 and 
pdp's own MP3 backdooring exploit. It uses a simple "-chrome" command-line switch injection.

As this is a Firefox only exploit, I looked for ways to do the same in Internet Explorer. 
I found that it is also possible to perform all other noted XAS attacks using QuickTime.

So now, if you are in a limited web environment, you can just embed a .qtl file and conduct 
an automated XAS attack against the visitor of the web page.

The following is the QuickTime .qtl version of the "shutting down skype" PoC:
<?xml version="1.0">
<?quicktime type="application/x-quicktime-media-link"?>
<embed src="nothing.mp3" autoplay="true" qtnext="skype:" /shutdown"/>

#  0day.today [2024-12-26]  #